Title: asking you out
Written by: d1Loui
Fandom: Original Story
Genre: Romance
Rating: K
Warning/ Notes: A not really thought out plot; grammatical errors; based on an RP I'm in.
Felix fidgeted uncomfortably as he sat across Camilla. The young witch was busy combing through her hair, complaining about the fact her hair was growing longer and her natural brown hair was peeking out from the top. Felix wanted to tell her that he found her a lot prettier with brown hair, but he knew that she'd glare at him then and tell him to shut up.
He wondered just how he got into this situation anyway. From what he knew, he was back in his dorm room studying for an upcoming test and then someone had started banging on his door. What a surprise it was when he found Camilla there. He opened his mouth to ask if there was anything she needed, but no words came out when she forcefully dragged him out of his room, his dorm, then out of school. Now they were sitting in a cafe, waiting for their drinks to come, in this awkward silence.
"What are you looking at?" Camilla snapped at him and he looked away with a blush on his cheek. He didn't even realize he was staring at her. Oh how embarrassing.
"Um..." he started and she looked up with annoyed expression on his face. He shrunk down on his seat before gathering his wits about and trying again.
"Ms. Greer..." he said and she sat up, slamming her hands on the table making other customers look at them in curiosity. Felix wanted to pull his hood up to cover his face but that would be rude to do in the presence of a lady.
"It's Camilla." she told him and Felix nodded, leaning down on his seat and looking at her with eyes as wide as a doe. Satisified, she sat back down and crossed her legs and folded her arms across her chest.
"Well? What were you going to say earlier?"
Felix cleared his throat and looked at her, seeing the hard stare of her emeral-green eyes, he looked away. This felt relly unnerving for him, and with her staring him down like that, he feels as though he's done something wrong and was caught red-handed.
"Ms. Gre-- I mean, Camilla," the name sounded funny coming from his mouth but he was afraid of what her reaction would be, "I was wondering, why did you bring me here?"
Camilla's face turned pink, almost matching the color of her hair, and she looked away with her nose held up high.
"Isn't it obvious?" she asked him. Felix merely shook his head.
She stared at him a bit longer before sighing. There was this disappointed look on her face and Felix wondered if there was anything he said that had upset her. Before he could ask, the waiter came and gave them their drinks. Camilla raised an eyebrow at the strawberry shake he had ordered while she srank from her macchiato.
"You don't like caffeine?" she asked him and he blushed and looked down on his entwined fingers on his lap.
"It's not like I hate it but I've always had more of a sweet tooth," he smiled at her then, this sheepsih smile on his face as he explained it to her. She blushed and gulped down her drink, only to have her start choking from the hot drink. Felix got up from his seat as he hurried towards her. He rubbed her back and she violently moved back.
Her face was red as she continued to cough and Felix continued to move forward.
"What's wrong?" he asked her, worry evident in his face. Camilla relaxed and let herself be guided back to her seat.
"No, it was nothing."
Felix didn't seem to hear her as he started fretting about medicine and pills and going to the doctor and she laughed. She held unto his arm and he stopped, looking at her with an anxious look.
"I'm fine."
"Really?" Felix asked, visibly relaxing and Camilla couldn't stop herself from smmiling.
Felix sat back down and they continued to spend their afternoon in peace. Camilla kept glanincg up at Felix with that blush on her face and Felix remained oblivious. Camilla sighed as she started to play wiith her hair, an irritated pout on her lips. Really, how innocent can this boy be?
They decided to take the long way back to the school to see the sights and Felix couldn't understand the various mood swings Camilla kept having. He wondered if she was sick because her face was red, but she refused for him to check (he only wanted to place his forehead on hers to check her temperature but she had acted so violently towards the idea). Then, she'd suddenly grab his hand and entwine their fingers together, but she'd slap him a few moments later. He wondered if this was what they called PMS.
They arrived at a bridge and Felix leaned against the railings, staring down at the rushing river below them while Camilla stood beside him.
"Felix," she called out and he turned to her with a smile. She looked away, her cheeks red as she played with the hem of her skirt.
"Have you ever believed in love?"
Felix was startled at the question but soon recovered.
"Well, I suppose I do. But why do you ask?"
Camilla's face turned even redder if that was possible.
"Well... it's..." she glanced at his face as he continued staring at her expectantly, his head tilted to the side and his hair slightly covering his eyes, "It's because I--" she never got to finish her sentence when she suddenly felt his arms wrap around her.
"Felix?!" she exclaimed and she tried to struggle out of his grasp but he kept firm. He unzipped his jacket and held it above their heads.
"Come on! It's starting to rain! We have to hurry before your fever gets worse!" Camilla blushed but kept quiet as she felt his arms around her shoulders. They hurried through the streets and were soaked wet when they finally got to the school.
Felix escorted her back to her dorms. As he wrapped her arms around herself, shivering from the cold, Felix stood outside. His jacket was wrapped around himself and his body shook but he tried to keep himself strong.
Camilla felt guilty for even taking him out and suggesting the long way. She went to apologize but Felix merely smiled, "It's no problem Camilla. Today was wonderful. Ask me out again next time."
Camilla didn't know what she was doing when she stepped out into the rain, wrapped her arms around Felix and kissed him.
As soon as she pulled away, she chuckled at Felix who was looking blankly into space, a smile on his face, and his cheeks stained red.
"I'll make sure to do that," she replied to his earlier statement and pulled him in for another kiss.