It's kind of funny. There are many people wondering who I am. Many of these people are positive they know, yet these people aren't all positive it's the same person, so that doesn't make much sense
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Karma is the innocent touch of a feline to those who are deserving. Luckily the Cat is above the Weasel in the foodchain.
Red was needlessly spilled everywhere. The Vikings and the African Tribes staunched the flow at first, but the wound was already too deep. There wasn't long left until the end.
Waiting can be hard, but it's endurable. People can be cruel though. Promises of something you've been waiting for, made only to get your hopes up before smashing them with irrational reasons
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I'm starting up this journal for many reasons. Most of all is the fact that writing mellows me. I can write obscure nonsense that makes sense to know one but me, and it makes me feel better
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