It was aborted to late...It was being delivered from the sounds of it...They pulled off its head with forceps....Although I am all for pro-choice, that is sooooooooooooooo bad.... A baby should never be aborted during the third trimester.....:(.
Ugh. obviously it looks like it was acrack house abortion center. I mean, lowsecurity? someone was able to walk in and just take the child? they weren't able to determine the child's head was being ripped off while trying to abort it? gawd... that place should be shut down....
It is a gift to be able to create a child,too many people take advantage of it,use a condom then you won't have to create a life you will destroy,EVERYONE DESERVES THE CHANCE TO LIVElife is a precious gift too many take for granted.Yes this world is sick,yes people will never understand but all we can do is take responsability for OUR actions.I hate when people abort babies,if anything let them live a happy life with another family since you cannot give them the life they deserve.That website is sad.
ok i made the statement i'm sickened by what i just saw...i'm with you on this one however i think there are certain situations where the mother should have the option depending on circumstance,mainly for events such as rape or endangering the parents life.A child is a very special gift and no one has the right to take that away...but the fact that the head was seperated from the body suggests it was in fact carried out by amateurs...gonna try and forget i ever saw this pic Carpathianangel
Yes, everyone deserves the chance to live but a woman also has a right to choose...Don't get me wrong, a woman who uses abortion as a way of *birth contol* is frigging horrible, **BUT** if it is for health reasons or whatever rape, incest, or if the baby will be deformed in some way I beleive the woman has a right to make that desicion. The baby in the picture is inexcusable... That baby was aborted WAY to late....A baby should **NEVER** be aborted after the the first trimester in my opinion anyhoo....*shrugs*.
Comments 16
It is a gift to be able to create a child,too many people take advantage of it,use a condom then you won't have to create a life you will destroy,EVERYONE DESERVES THE CHANCE TO LIVElife is a precious gift too many take for granted.Yes this world is sick,yes people will never understand but all we can do is take responsability for OUR actions.I hate when people abort babies,if anything let them live a happy life with another family since you cannot give them the life they deserve.That website is sad.
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