
Aug 10, 2010 13:09

Standard disclaimers about forgetting stuff apply.

Speak with ancestor rites are both big and clever.
Iolanthe's send off. Thankfully Marianne trusted us enough to let us carry her on a shield.
The battles achieved a good level 'oh crap these guys are hard' without resorting to throwing throughs and crushes around left, right and centre. Also very safe fights OOC.
The victims reactions to the Erdreja Familiarisation Exercise. I look forward to the results.
Singing in the Dragon's camp on Saturday night.
Gaining a new invoking challenge.
Harpers stuff. Notably the look on Jackdaw's face.
Mate's being awesome and running little errands for me both before I got to site and when I was busy putting the gundy up.
Dreamstruck hoodies.
Unspoken understandings with Karnak.
'Have you hard the good news? The ritual in progress is NOT to end the world' and other fallout.
Fake blood.
New face spray not stinging anything like as much as the old one.

Forgetting to eat on Sunday after breakfast. I got to the carvery sometime after 7 and was feeling significantly worse for wear as a result.
Finding out after the event that my training plans for the G might have to change based on OOC stuff I didn't know about. Others seem to though so I'm guessing it's just something I've missed. Situation clarified.
Being habitually tired all event and nearly falling asleep in the Dragon's camp on Saturday night.
Group breakfasts creeping later and later so they now always seem to run over into IC time. I know I'm not blameless on this score but it's something I might try to be more pro-active about at the G.
Gwen losing her voice and thus not being able to hear Ilsa sing her song.
Not having the banner box for the Fighting Cocks.
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