Title: 1x01 Genesis
We start D A R K after SPN 2x08 Crossroad Blues and Dark Angel 2x17 Hello, Goodbye.
For the Winchesters, this means that the last we saw of them was the akward moment in the car. Sam asks if Dean would really have made the deal with the demon, and Dean doesn't answer.
For the DA characters, it means Max has told Alec about what happened with Ben;
And they end that episode on top of the Space Needle. Max' line here is 'Love sucks.' But I don't know if Camipie has any backstory in mind that fits that. Otherwise we just improvise. ♥
For episode 1 I think the brothers should arrive in Seattle. Ben should be resurrected by the demon (but no-one knows yet), Max and Alec should do some introduction stuff together, Sam meets Alec by chance and much startlement occurs. That's my five cents at this late hour, have at it lovelipies. <3333!!
Michi and I were talking; Scenes:
Max and Alec at Crash (which we already did)
Sam and Dean driving into Seattle in the Impala.
Sam and Alec running into each other (Sam: O.O)
Max and Alec mention Ben in some other scene (which? or do we actually do that scene here maybe? could be wicked.)
Alec and Sam ending up fighting some Manticore goons. Alec thinks hey're out to get him; not knowing they're mistaking him, in fact, for Dean.
(...plot? and more Max! Possibly Max and Dean?...)
Last scene: Demon calls Ben back to life.