Title: Full of Grace
Author: Drea (
Rating: R-NC17. Smut, plain and simple.
Fandom/Pairing: Wrestling. Shawn/Hunter.
Disclaimer: Oh, you'd better believe my last name ain't McMahon. I own nothing and no one.
Author's Notes: Written for my prompt of "Shawn/Hunter, sacrament" for
oxoniensis Porn Battle (Best of Three). This is a chopped-up, whittled-down, and
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Comments 14
Thanks, Sarah!
First off, I'm a sucker for Sarah McLachlan songs (What former B/A shipper isn't? Even though I wasn't one very long. lol.), and "Full of Grace" is one of my favorites.
Like Sarah, I really liked how it changed from Shawn's concern to Hunter taking action and them being all over each other. I also enjoyed how you played with the reference of Shawn being a changed man now and everything.
Some things don't change after all, huh? Even after nine years... ;)
You know, I'm really curious about the whole thing now that you mentioned in the disclaimers... ;)
Oh yes, love Sarah McLachlan. The longer story, coincidentally, is called "Prayer of St. Francis", which was the music over "Grave". I have no idea why I fixated on those two songs, but hey, I like them. They work.
Yep, some things don't change. People change. Feelings change. Certain other things don't. And that's definitely an aspect of their relationship I wanted to explore.
*grin* When I finish, you'll be among the first to know. And thank you muchly for the lovely feedback.
1. Love the idea of Shawn in jeans and bare feet. For some reason, that's an incredibly sexy image.
2. Shawn calling him Paul. That was a very intimate moment there and I really loved that. I haven't yet read a fic where kayfabe has been broken (Yeah, I know, I'm probably behind the times!) so this was a breaking of walls for me. Very powerful and, I think, appropriate.
3. The blending of sex and religion. You know, call me a dirty girl, but I'm sure having sex with Shawn IS a religious experience! ;^) All joking aside, I'm hard pressed to say all the things that are right about the ending. There are just so many. They're united and yet separated, and there's pathos in the memories...Just great, hon. =^)
The story was amazing, as always. I just love the way you write and of course your Hunter/Shawn stories hold a special place in my heart.
This was no exception. I loved how it seemed like they were talking without the use of words. Just holding each other comfortingly was so cute. But of course they had to end up ravaging each other (like they can keep their hands off each other anyway :) )
Lovely as always girly!
Aww, thanks sweetie. I'm glad you liked the story - and the Shawn/Hunter in general. Of course I can't have my Shawn!muse without your Hunter!voice.
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