Title: Post-Battle Confusion
Verse: G1
Rating: G
Characters: Prowl, Aerialbots
Summary: Prowl reads post-battle reports. Unfortunately, the Autobot combiner teams make his job harder.
It was late.
Post-skirmish reports had kept Prowl holed up in his office longer than necessary, as they were wont to do. The Praxian would not complain however. Red Alert was most likely still staring at monitors. Ratchet was still repairing minor wounds. Possibly Prime was making rounds, comforting many with his simple presence. Paperwork and tactics were Prowl’s jurisdiction in the Autobots and he would not have it any other way.
Besides, he was almost done, just a few more to go. Prowl muddled his way through Ironhide’s report, optics skipping profanity with vorns of skill. He skimmed Bluestreak’s with a practiced ease. Perceptor’s report was delivered with liberal thesaurus programming. Finally, the reports came down to two, each sitting innocently on his desk.
Prowl stared at these reports with trepidation.
Which first: Aerialbots or Protectobots?
In the gestalts' defense, it was not their fault Prowl dreaded any reports they handed in. Combat could be confusing, made doubly so when one spent half the battle switching from one perspective to many. Hot Shot once described the experience as trying to remember last night's events after ingesting Sideswipe’s Mystery Brew. Bumblebee may or may not have been purple and Ironhide may or may not have been speaking like a pirate…
… Prowl reached for the Aerialbot’s report. Best to get it over with.
Autobot unit: Gestalt Superion; Aerialbots
Report: ZX200073B
Subject: Oregon’s new Hydro Dam battle
Enclosed Summary
Sub: Silverbolt
The Aerialbots responded to the red alert with the first team and got there just as the Stunticons were combining. We engaged them as Superion. Halfway through Defensor won their battle with Bruticus and came in to help. Superion managed to distract Menasor so Defensor could get a hit in, disassembling Menasor. Motormaster was definitely hurt, and will probably be out of commission for the next few battles. After that we disassembled to fight the Coneheads, were strafing the human Dam workers. Slingshot got mad and faced off against Dirge, while the rest of the Aerialbots drove off Ramjet and Thrust. Then Megatron called retreat.
Sub: Skydive
We were part of the initial response team with Prime. When we got there the Coneheads were strafing the human workers so the Aerialbots responded. Dirge specifically targeted Slingshot. I think he was still upset about Slingshot getting the jump on him last battle. Fireflight had to help him out while the rest of us drove off Ramjet and Thrust. Then Menasor stepped on Cliffjumper and we engaged them as Superion before Menasor could finish the job. While fighting, Menasor left his left flank open, and we badly injured their torso. When Menasor disassembled, Motormaster was offline and badly damaged. I do not remember what happened to the Stunticons, because the Protectobots commed for help. We helped them distract Bruticus so Defensor could surprise them. Then Prime defeated Megatron and the Decepticons retreated.
Sub: Air Raid
So we were in the area, running drills when Silverbolt gets commed to help with the Dam. We came in as the Coneheads were lining up to sneak-attack Defensor, but before they could we drove them off. It was awesome! You should have seen it. Anyway, then Menasor combined and we formed Superion before he could start squishing the humans. Halfway through Defensor finished their battle with Bruticus and came to help. They shouldn’t have because then Defensor stepped on Cliffjumper. Eventually, Superion slagged Wildrider and Menasor was forced to disassemble. That was also awesome. In the end, Megatron called retreat, we came back to the Ark and Silverbolt forced us to write these reports.
Sub: Slingshot
We got there and the battle was already in full swing. The Aerialbots formed Superion and fought off against Menasor. The stupid ‘Con left his side open and we slagged Motormaster. He won’t be back for a while. Count on it. Then I caught the Coneheads strafing the humans, and we drove them off before anyone was too badly damaged. Thrust must have been glitching over last because he came after me as I was helping Fireflight and Skydive with Ramjet. I got him with a new move I’ve been working on. It was awesome! After the Coneheads left Silverbolt ordered us to combine again and we helped Defensor fight Bruticus. Prime defeated Megatron before we could do much though, and the Constructicons left before we could kick their afts.
Sub: Fireflight
Hi Prowl! XD Did you know you can use letters to make faces?! >:D Carly showed me last week, aren’t they cute ^_^
Oh right, the battle! So we got to the Dam :) and teamed up with Defensor to fight Bruticus D< But then the Stunticons showed up and formed Menasor. Defensor said they could handle Bruticus so Superion went to go stop Menasor from being mean to the humans :( Somehow Menasor must have got in the way of the Coneheads because they shot Motormaster and Menasor disassembled. We disassembled after that to help with the battle. Then the Coneheads picked up Cliffjumper and dropped him :O Don’t worry, Prowl! We fought off the Coneheads while Ratchet fixed CJ! :D Then Prime beat Megatron and we didn’t have to fight anymore!
End Report
Prowl vented slowly. It was not the worst report he had ever read. Making a note to get Cliffjumper’s report when Ratchet released him and a quick comm to Silverbolt about Fireflight’s misuse of formality, the Autobot SIC set aside the Aerialbot’s report with relish. One down…
Prowl eyed his last report. Would it make a difference if he read it tomorrow?
Venting again, Prowl picked up the Protectobot’s report. Best to get it over with.
Made for
gestalt_love 's April-May Rashomon Challenge.