With A Little Help From Friends...

Mar 27, 2003 00:43

[happens after this]

Lij: *I bumped my way down the hall, my head hurt, and my eye was rapidly swelling shut. I had no where to go, and I wasn't about to go home. Dom. Maybe Dom could be sympathetic.* Dom? Are you up?

Dom: *Lying on my bed, I'm trying to finish my Kurt Vonnegut book, but decide to give up as it is late. I switch off my Discman to change CDs, then I hear someone's muffled voice outside my door.* Yeah? Who's that? *gets up to open the door and stares at Lij* Oh, hey mate. What's- eh, your face? What happened?

Lij: I decided to give Steven a piece of my mind, I guess I chose the wrong time. *I look around.* Listen, can I come in? I don't want to run into him for a while.

Dom: *Alarmed, I step aside for you* Yeah, sure. Come on in. It's really a mess, though. Watch your step. *lets you sit on the bed as I dash to the joined kitchen and grab a cold Coke from the fridge* Here, put this against your eye.

Lij: *I wince as the cold metal hits sensative skin.* Thanks. What was the university thinking? Letting that Gorilla be a student? His Girl Wednesday got a swing in too. It's hit Lij night, want to take a swing? *I laugh a little, it was a bad attempt at a joke.*

Dom: *Looks at you sympathetically* Aw, come on, mate. Just a run of bad luck, that's all. A change of rooms would solve the problem for you. *sits next to you on the bed* That Steven's a right wanker though, I've had a few run-ins with him myself. See that scar on his jaw? *Beams proudly* I was the one who put it there.

Lij: You did that? Nice. *I put the cold can on my lap.* I plan on talking to the Dean in the morning. I can't stay in that room. My first experience with a roommate and I have to get Captain Viagra.

Dom: *Chuckles* Captain Viagra, eh? I've heard Steven being called loads of things, but this is the most original so far. *Takes the can from your lap, cracks it open and takes a long swig of Coke* Go talk to the Dean. He may look like he has a crusty exterior, but he's got a good heart. He really cares about the students and their welfare. *offers you the Coke*

Lij: Thanks. *I take the can, and take a long swallow.* At times I wonder what else can go wrong. I nearly got hit by a car the other day. You people drive on the wrong side of the road.

Dom: *rolls eyes* Sure. The world revolves around you Yanks, doesn't it? You and your refusal to fit in, use the Metric System, etc. *remembers you said something* But you mentioned you almost got hit? You alright then, mate? Pretty fragile, aren't ya?

Lij: Fragile? I dind't think so until now. *I touch my eye and wince.* What are you, Mr. Tough Guy?

Dom: *Shrugs* I'm not trying to be tough. Just normal. Sure, I get up to all kinds of shite with Billy. But it's loads better than moping around, don't you think? *Glances sideways at you* Not that I'm implying you mope or anything, you know.

Lij: I don't mope, much. I try not to. *I shurg* You wouldn't understand.

Dom: *Frowns* No what, tell me? What wouldn't I understand?

Lij: *I fold my hands in my lap and stare at my hands.* You must think that I'm the world's biggest sissy.

Dom: *Sighs heavily* For Christ's sake. Just because I filled your bed with toads doesn't mean I think you're a sissy. *takes another long swig of Coke and hands you the rest* Look, I may not be Oprah Fooking Winfrey, but I'll try my best to listen.

Lij: This is my first time away from home. I just feel a little lost. *I take the can and finish the rest of the Coke.*

Dom: If it helps, I'm far from home too. I miss Germany, I miss Manchester. But I'm here, trying to do my best. Fuck, sometimes I'm not even sure I have money to eat for the rest of the month. But you have to try and deal, like Bills and me, because there's nothing else you can do, but go home. *eyes you* And do you want to do that?

Lij: Not really. As much as I love my family, I needed to get away. I think that a few continents between us is quite enough. *I place the can on the floor.* Do you know that you and Billy are the first people here that have tried to talk to me?

Dom: *whistles softly* You're serious? I thought you looked like the type to have loads of mates. Really. Maybe it just takes time for you to warm up, adapt to your surroundings. When I first got here, everyone made fun of my accent and left me alone. But it just takes time. I promise. *grins* And you know Bills and I always need an accomplice, or alibi. You're always welcome with us, mate. We meant that.

Lij: *I lean over, bumping my shoulder into yours.* Thanks. I hate to say this, but I've got to get some sleep. Could I borrow a spare bit of floor or something? I'm not going back in there!

Dom: *Gruffly grabs the blankets on the bed and tosses it at you* Sleep on the bed, you tosser. The floor's mine for tonight. And no arguments.

Lij: You sure? This is your room, I don't want to put you out. *Fatigue catches up with me, and I yawn hard.* I haven't had a good night's sleep since I got here, I'm not about to argue.

Dom: *Waves nonchalantly at you* Yeah, I heard some Zen shite about how it's good to sleep on the floor. I'm just going to read anyway. So, good night, mate. Sweet dreams. *I yawn as well, then I grin as I notice you've already fallen asleep.*
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