What is there to talk about? Lakers won game one against the Spurs in a surprising comeback from being down 20 points! Agels are doing well too! I am officially on summer vacation which has been superb so far. My go kart is running at about 95% right now. I need a new clutch so I can accelerate through turns. Still trying to see if I am going to
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Today sucks. Spent my morning studying my ass off and then drove out to CSUF for my Economies of the Pacific Rim final which our professor told us wasn't going to be that hard...yeah right! 70% of the test was nothing she had lectured on and everyone was looking around wondering wtf was going on. So I probably bombed that test. Then I went to
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After class yesterday I had lunch with my mom which was swell and then went and saw Iron Man with Jake...that movie rocked! Then I went to the gym which felt great and after that I did some home work and chilled at home for a bit because my mom was having people over
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Lakers won tonight! Kobe had an amazing game with some awesome dunks, 3-pt shots, defense, etc!!! Matt's new place is all set up and is so cool. Wish I had a place like that...soon though, soon
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