Here is our new list of past winners and challenges.
Challenge 001: Your Favourite Scene
[Film: Mulitple]
1st Place:
caramelmilk_t2nd Place:
uhh_manda3rd Place:
bonepillow3rd Place:
omgkristenMod's Choice:
uhh_manda Challenge 002: Fairy Godmother
[Film: Cinderella]
1st Place:
_myimaginary_2nd Place:
_myimaginary_3rd Place:
uhh_mandaMod's Choice:
caramelmilk_t Challenge 003: A Whole New World
[Film: Aladdin]
1st Place:
rainbowishes2nd Place:
spriink2nd Place:
spriinkMod's Choice:
that_was_cheesy Challenge 004: I'm Wishing
[Film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]
1st Place:
erupted_kisses2nd Place:
moviesurfer3rd Place:
caramelmilk_tMod's Choice:
omgkristen Challenge 005: Under the Sea
[Film: The Little Mermaid]
1st Place:
sosmallxx2nd Place:
sosmallxx2nd Place:
spriink3rd Place:
spriinkMod's Choice:
moviesurfer Challenge 006: Hakuna Matata
[Film: The Lion King]
1st Place:
that_was_cheesy2nd Place:
erupted_kisses3rd Place:
moviesurferMod's Choice:
tadiel Challenge 007: The Beast's Transformation
[Film: Beauty and the Beast]
1st Place:
spriink2nd Place:
funktrain3rd Place:
dizzykneeBest Colour:
vejibraBest Crop:
spriinkMod's Choice:
wizkid99 Challenge 008: Colours of the Wind
[Film: Pocahontas]
1st Place:
pixelwater2nd Place:
pixelwater3rd Place:
desquiciada4th Place:
estrellasdeamor Best Texture:
vejibraBest Colour:
kittenishgirlMod's Choice:
omgkristenMod's Choice:
gruver26 Challenge 009: Who Are You?
[Film: Alice in Wonderland]
1st Place:
omgkristen2nd Place:
desquiciada3rd Place:
sosmallxxBest Colour:
sosmallxxMod's Choice:
moviesurfer Challenge 010: I'll Make a Man Out of You
[Film: Mulan]
1st Place:
captain_sarah2nd Place:
vejibra3rd Place:
omgkristenBest Colour:
captain_sarahBest Text:
desquiciadaMod's Choice:
estrellasdeamor Challenge 011: Strangers Like Me
[Film: Tarzan]
1st Place:
desquiciada2nd Place:
caramelmilk_t3rd Place:
desquiciadaBest Colour:
caramelmilk_tMod's Choice:
absolutelybatty Challenge 012: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
[Film: Lilo & Stitch]
1st Place:
desquiciada2nd Place:
anaklazaro3rd Place:
moviesurferMod's Choice:
___vedette Challenge 013: Poor Unfortunate Souls
[Film: The Little Mermaid]
1st Place:
gruver262nd Place:
dizzyknee3rd Place:
mirrorbrideMost Creative:
sarisafariMod's Choice:
moviesurfer Challenge 014: Friend Like Me
[Film: Aladdin]
1st Place:
desquiciada2nd Place:
captain_sarah3rd Place:
750viragoMod's Choice:
onlyalive8 Challenge 015: A Dream is Wish Your Heart makes
[Film: Cinderella]
1st Place:
ourviolethill2nd Place:
dizzyknee3rd Place:
sosmallxxBest Colour:
ourviolethillMod's Choice:
mirrorbride Challenge 016: I Just Can't Wait to be King
[Film: The Lion King]
1st Place:
organonmodell2nd Place:
hepburnette3rd Place:
desquiciadaBest Colour:
goomourouMod's Choice:
750virago Challenge 017: Once Upon a Dream
1st Place:
mirrorbride2nd Place:
boredess3rd Place:
desquiciadaBest Colour:
mirrorbrideBest Crop:
ourviolethillMod's Choice:
kaelakaelakaela Challenge 018: Something There
[Film: Beauty and the Beast]
1st Place:
sarisafari2nd Place:
mirrorbride3rd Place:
ashmazing88Best Colour:
mirrorbrideMod's Choice:
sparkly_cracker Challenge 019: I Won't Say I'm in Love
[Film: Hercules]
1st Place:
onlyalive82nd Place:
750virago3rd Place:
moviesurferBest Colour:
750viragoBest Crop:
olivejuice_iconMod's Choice:
funkytrain Challenge 020: Scales and Arpeggios
[Film: The Aristocats]
1st Place:
onlyalive82nd Place:
goomourou3rd Place:
isabellaxxcsiBest Crop:
desquiciadaMod's Choice:
ashmazing88 Challenge 021: Honour to us All
[Film: Mulan]
1st Place:
anaklazaro2nd Place:
750virago3rd Place:
ashmazing88Best Colour:
750viragoMod's Choice:
boredess Challenge 022: All in the Golden Afternoon
[Film: Alice in Wonderland]
1st Place:
anaklazaro2nd Place:
mystical_touch3rd Place:
moviesurferMod's Choice:
750virago Challenge 023: Salmon Run
[Film: Brother Bear]
1st Place:
sparkly_cracker2nd Place:
moviesurfer3rd Place:
gfxgurlMod's Choice:
organonmodell Challenge 024: Oo-De-Lally
[Film: Robin Hood]
1st Place:
organonmodell2nd Place:
sparkly_cracker3rd Place:
750viragoMod's Choice:
onlyalive8 Challenge 025: Romantic Scenes
[Film: Various]
1st Place:
organonmodell2nd Place:
goomourou3rd Place:
kaysoulMod's Choice:
750virago Challenge 026: Be Prepared
[Film: The Lion King]
1st Place:
absolutelybatty2nd Place:
organonmodell3rd Place:
organonmodellBest Crop:
wockysMod's Choice:
spriink Challenge 027:
[Film: ?]
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place:
Mod's Choice: