
Dec 23, 2006 16:34

daaaang its been a crazy week. the stress of wondering if i would finally be able to even go to NC. the flight...SECURITY...enough said...that went alright. laura and justine picked me up and i got to drive lauras "spaceship" all over wilmington and shallotte, (sh-ah-low-te.) that was fun. then justine and i went that night to see a late movie. we ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

faith0ftheheart December 23 2006, 23:57:16 UTC
yeah whatever you want. If you don't mind leaving it unlocked. I'll lock it when I'm done.


Yes!!!!!!!! neverxxxagain December 24 2006, 04:36:50 UTC
I am so effing excited for you! I am sorry I didn't sound too excited on the phone, but me and Justin were having a serious talk about some stuff so I wasn't in a "jumping up and down" mood. Sorry about that, but I am SO happy for you! I hope you go there, because thats where I wanna go next year. But if you get in somewhere better, take it, but it wouldn't totally suck if you only got into APPALACHIAN. Ya know?
Okay, bye bye
Good Job Lady!



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