I'm thankful for Community. And more memes.

Nov 24, 2011 10:21

Really, I just don't want to do any work today. Also, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Stolen from eleventhimpala

1. List the nine main characters of Community in any order you wish, from 1 to 9.
2. Answer the questions below according to the numbers.
3. Wriggle in glee as 20 new crackships are born.

1. Troy
2. Britta
3. Jeff
4. Abed
5. Dean
6. Shirley
7. Annie
8. Pierce
9. Chang

1. Describe the children of #3 and #7. Are they good parents?
Um... their children get hella mixed messages from their parents, with Annie saying "Be a productive member of society!" and Jeff saying "Don't work ever! Don't do it!" Their failure to ever present a united front results in them being, frankly, terrible parents.

2. Describe #5 and #1's first kiss.
The Dean was enthusiastic when he found out that Troy ditched the Air Conditioner Repair program for a major in elementary education. VERY enthusiastic.

3. How does #2 react to learning that #6 is pregnant with #9's baby?
Britta would basically say to Shirley and Chang, "What, again?"

4. How does #8 convince #7 to go with him/her on a date?
Pierce getting Annie to go out with him? Um... either through blackmail or disguising it as a grandfatherly outing with his "favorite", only to finally make his move at the end of the night.

5. Where would #9 and #6 go for their honeymoon? How is #4 going to sabotage their honeymoon?
Chang takes Shirley to Vegas because he feels at home there and thinks it's "classy"; Shirley only goes along because he tells her about all the chapels, not mentioning their utter lack of religious significance. Abed quietly sabotages it all by telling Andre they're eloping on account of they're preggers again, then sits back to watch the fireworks while he munches on some chocolate raisins.

6. #6 is in love with #1. #3 confesses his/her love to #6. Whom would #6 pick? Does #8 think s/he made the right choice?
After her disastrous almost-honeymoon with Chang and second breakup with Andre, Shirley's developed a bit of a crush on Troy; but then Jeff FINALLY tells her he's in love with her, not Britta or Annie. She's reluctant at first, mainly because she's concerned Jeff will make a terrible father to her three children. But when he proves to her how sincere and serious he is about her, she gives in. Pierce is partly confused about this development, since he was convinced Jeff was gay, but also relieved, because he didn't want Shirley to get with her "nephew" Troy.

7. #5 and #2 must pretend to be a married couple. Why?
Well, the Dean doesn't want his father to find out about his dalmatian fetish and attraction to large-foreheaded men, so Britta volunteers herself as his beard for Thanksgiving as an act of charity. Also, she's never done it before and it feels oh-so-subversive.

8. #1 is moving in with #9. What do they fight about the most?
As roommates, Troy and Chang fight about pretty much everything. Loudly and shrilly. They often get into tears over the remote.

9. How will #4 prove his/her love to #1?
Abed will prove his love to Troy like he always does: asking him to join in on his Inspector Spacetime role-plays. Sadly, Troy will mistake this as more awesome best friend bonding time because of the lack of overt romantic signals from Abed.

10. #7 and #4. Love at first sight?
Abed and Annie weren't in love at first sight. At least not until he pulled out his Harrison Ford impression after they marathoned the first three Indy movies together (the fourth one blows).

11. What would #2 give #9 for Valentine's Day?
Britta would give Chang a protest like he's never seen, wherein she straps Valentine's teddy bears over her naked body and runs through campus screaming about love being a commercial commodity and Valentine's Day being an excuse to get women to prostitute themselves for chocolate. Then Chang finally gets permission to use the taser...

12. Under what circumstances could #3 and #5 have a happy end?
Well, if the Dean were to cool off on the stalking and Jeff could admit that he actually LIKES all the attention, things might work out for the best and they could sing Seal karaoke together ALL DAY.

13. What would #8 like to change about #2? Does number #2 approve?
Pierce wants Britta to become a lesbian so he can fulfill his fantasies of her with another woman. Britta does NOT approve and borrows Chang's taser.

14. #2 and #7 are together. Who is more protective of the other?
Britta's fairly critical of Annie a lot of the time, but no one stands up for her and looks out for her like Britta does.

15. Who is the first to say "I love you", #1 or #9?
Definitely Troy. Chang, meanwhile, will say that that's gross, and that Troy should leave him and Veronica, his mannequin leg, alone in peace.

16. Describe #6 and #4's perfect romantic outing.
Abed takes Shirley to the park so they can play with her kids together. And while he's tempted to invite Troy, who's more comfortable with children, he ends up having way more fun playing two-on-one tackle football with Jordan and Elijah while Shirley looks on happily with Ben.

17. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, #3 or #8? How does bridesmaid/best man #6 soothe them?
Jeff's about to become Pierce's eighth wife, and he's freaking out to say the least. While Shirley's definitely not comfortable with two men getting married in her church, she calms him down by reminding him that hey, he's definitely going to outlive Pierce and thus will inherit his millions and his mansion.

18. #4 is a secret admirer of #3. What presents will they make the wo/man of their dreams?
Abed is Jeff's secret admirer. So naturally, he writes a web series about a study group where Jeff's the hero and main character everyone looks up to. Oh wait, he already has.

19. Describe a double-date between #6/#2 and #1/#5.
After witnessing them kiss, Shirley and Britta invite the Dean and Troy to double date with them. Shirley tries to take them to a pool so as to secretly baptize the three of them, but instead they all end up bowling, where old sparks between Troy and Britta reignite and the Dean meets a Dalmatian he gets very friendly with.

20. If #2 was in danger, would #3 go to their rescue?
If Britta was in danger, Jeff might go help her if the rest of the study group made him. And then after saving her, he'd just laugh at her for getting into whatever situation she was in.

meme, tv: community, thanksgiving

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