One last burst of crazy before I get back to reality. Pirates! is brilliant, by the way (and I'm not a fan of pirate movies in general). I only saw it on DVD, but nevertheless enjoyed it more than Monsters University and far, far more than Despicable Me 2, which I could have walked out in the middle of and not felt bad about it at all. Even if you have zero interest in the vid, I'd love to hear what you thought about MU/DM2 :)
Title: Sherlock Holmes - Pirate Captain
Length: 1.12
Fandom: BBC Sherlock/The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Characters and/or pairings: Sherlock + John = The Pirate Captain + The Pirate With A Scarf
Notes: I recently watched Pirates! Band of Misfits, which features Martin Freeman voicing the long-suffering sidekick of an eccentric pirate captain. Somehow it all felt strangely familiar. For
shadowfireflame, who demanded to know where the crossovers were.
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