Jan 30, 2005 13:23

What a Good news from AC Milan's Official site !!!


1/28/2005 9:21:00 PM

Certain things only happen at Milan and the club never lose the occasion to show what is best about the Rossoneri. When Paolo Maldini finally calls it a day no one else will wear the number three shirt. The captain’s number will follow that of Franco Baresi’s who had his number six retired on October 30, 1997 when the former captain had his farewell game. Rossoneri chief executive Adriano Galliani made the annoucement at the premier of ’Paolo Maldini - The Film’, a DVD directed by Paolo Ameli and produced by FilmMaster Television, which looks back over the defender’s career, with interviews from sixty of those who have played a role in Paolo’s footballing life.

Galliani summed up everything that Paolo means to Milan when he said: 'Maldini is Milan. It’s an extraordinary story, a lad born in Milan, the son of the captain who lifted the Champions Cup, twenty years at Milan, captain of the side that won the cup forty years after the same thing happened at Wembley, it’s extraordinary, magical. When Paolo retires so will his number three shirt and hopefully we will be able to do something special for Billy Costacurta.'

Cesare Maldini commented on what Galliani had to say about his son: 'It was wonderful testimony. What is Paolo’s secret? He loves this sport, he always looks to give his best, he loves the shirt he wears.'

ขอบคุณสโมสรมิลาน ที่มอบเกียรติประวัติอันยิ่งใหญ่ให้กับผู้ชายคนนี้ เปาโล มัลดินี่

และเมื่ออนาคตหลังจากกัปตันยุติการโลดแล่นบนสนามแล้ว จะไม่มีใครอีกต่อไป ที่จะได้ใช้หมายเลข 3 ของ เปาโล มัลดินี่ เพราะเขาจะเป็นตำนานให้แก่ สโมสร แห่งนี้ต่อไป ตราบนานเท่านาน

Thank for AC Milan !!! Coz he deserved for this greatest honor !!!

ForZa MiLan !!!
ForZa MalDini !!!

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