Title: Clearly an Idiot
Pairing: H/D
Rating: R (frottage, light blood play, light BDSM,)
Disclaimer: It's all mine! (except the entire Harry Potter world and it's characters. *sigh*)
Challenge: Originally written for the Free Range Vampfic Challenge on
hpvampScenario: Two Aurors tracking a murderer are running out of time. The little information they've managed to scrape together, leads them to a shady goth club, and a very Slytherin vampire.
Note: This fic is also a gift for
saladbats. *sends out lots of love and shared kinks* I think I covered everything in the original request, but added a twist to the blindfold part. This was a bit of a departure for me, style wise, but quickly became a labour of love. I hope you enjoy.
*psst* there's Parseltongue!
Original scenario by
saladbats: Harry runs into either Draco or Snape in a Goth club in London. Through observation and using senses other than just his sense of sight, he figures out his companion is a vampire. A heated physical encounter ensues. Bonus points for sweaty bodies grinding up against each other on a crowded dance floor.
Cool things: Leather, the scent of cloves, blindfolds, neck nibbling, the look of a belt riding low of someone's hips.
And let the hunt begin:
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV