these fucking anti-biotics im on for my leg are fucking with my head. i think weird things for no aparent reason and i keep feelign light headed. maybe i've been overly medicated
i feel light headed and hsit when not on my meds :( well atleast on them i am not hungry, and feel too sick to my stomach to eat anything big. so maybe this is what i need to lose weight... without meaning to....(crosses fingers)
everyone seems to want to lose wait by regulating what they eat, as oposed to just running. go out and run or bike ride its really fucking fun trust me
and i really have no time...and no energy. sick sucks. and work sucks. yes, its fun but when you dont have the time or energy... then it doesnt happen that way
this is very true, it sucks that nowadays ppl have to run on medication though, its like we're all apart of a pill culture yah know? but yeah i used to be on crazy meds and it fucked with my head but if it works and doesnt fuck yah up then mroe power 2 yah. coffee when you wake up is an awesome form of energy aswell :D
Comments 11
I'm like a pharmacy, I know all about pills haha.
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