Yay!! I get my fix

Oct 08, 2005 18:27

She's letting me roll downstairs in about a half hour to go have a smoke. Yay!!

Now if she's just get off my ass about peeing. I"ll pee when I need to pee

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Comments 13

Two Beers cruisebear October 9 2005, 01:57:48 UTC
2 beers would make you pee


Peeing fuzzygruf October 9 2005, 01:58:03 UTC
Is it Mary? I saw her flagging yellow hanky right. Figures.


enhydrasf October 9 2005, 02:11:00 UTC
you are gonna buzz from that smoke, although you should have just closed the door and put a towel in the crack, light a cig next to the window and leaned out and smoked it! Spray some room deoderizer and you are all good!


poohbearjim October 9 2005, 03:46:09 UTC
I learned from my years as a closet smoker that that doesn't work.


enhydrasf October 9 2005, 03:54:28 UTC
I know it doesn't work for cigarettes (pot is another story), but when I visited Jeff this afternoon, we joked about that.


put a towel in the crack ... eh? double_ohsteven October 9 2005, 07:11:23 UTC
see what you learn from the tanning business...only use towels without gifts for safe smoking.


auntie_lukers October 9 2005, 04:38:48 UTC
Nice. Thanks. Now I have to pee.....


backawayslowly October 9 2005, 05:00:40 UTC
I bet it was the best smoke ever!


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