There’s so much shit going on in this world right now I feel like I should be writing again.
Politics alone is a deep pool of issues, corruption, conspiracy, cover ups, money laundering, perjury, obstruction of justice... treason. “No collusion” though. There was definitely no collusion.
Then we have the coarse, boorish, big mouth asshole who says whatever the fuck he wants about any person or group of people and his fan base loves him for being the asshole they all want to be, a racist, sexist, homophobic white American patriot. Except Trump is not a patriot, far from it.
If Trumpistan were a country the grand leader would have a flag with his likeness. The people would adore and shower affection on their honorable king, beneficiaries of his greatness. Loyalty is to the man, not country.
This is where we are now.
Trump ran for president not to win but to boost his brand. He dealt dirty with the Russians thinking he’d never win. A funny thing happened on the way to sad consolation party on election night ... the mother fucker won.
This is what I believe as a news and information consuming citizen, commenter and voter since 1980.
The misinformation campaign on Facebook and all social media was a far more effective than anyone could imagine. Millions of gullible Americans sharing and retweeting wholey fabricated fake news. That and the mainstream media’s wall to wall Trump coverage ... it was a firestorm of bullshit at least 60 million Americans bought into.
I am 100% on the side of Robert Mueller. I believe the truth will come. It will take time, maybe years. I hope the damage to America and the world is not significant. We will recover from this stain on our history.
To be continued ...