Yes indeed, the 5 questions meme lives on. And I'm too lazy to link back to my original post.
Here're the questions from
luckyckljw and my answers:
1. If you went back to school, what subject matter would you want to represent the majority of your class load?
Literature, creative writing, and photography. In fact, I was just saying last night that the reason I don't take more advantage of my employer's tuition reimbursement program is that they will pay if it's a computer science or business degree, not a literature/art/creative writing degree (it has to be applicable to my position or to my advancement in the company).
2. Are you a fan of Shakespeare and modern film adaptations (films aimed toward the not-so-Shakespearean-savvy youth) thereof?
Hmm. I suppose you're directly pointing a finger at the Romeo and Juliette story with Leonardo DiCaprio and what's-her-name in it... and honestly, Shakespeare with guns just isn't Shakespeare to me. Guns ruin the puns. Especially those big Desert Eagles. I don't mind modernizing something, but let's not call it by its original name -- unless the original setting was completely time-generic. "Based on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette" would have been better for me. And there are many of these out there. I find I like them much better than when they use the "classic's" original title and dialog in a modern setting.
3. Is there a particular artist or song that you would listen to on repeat for any significant amount of time?
Actually, I listen to most of my music this way. I'll listen to the same CD over and over on my way to work until I get bored with it and put in another (I like to be able to sing along without messing up the words). That said, I don't buy anything unless I've heard most of it and am really enamored with it. And yes, I do still buy most of my music. :p Lately, I've done this with the Asylum Street Spankers and Amy Winehouse. Before that it was the American IV album (Johnny Cash) and a number of classic jazz artists.
4. Is there a book that I should read to get a better understanding of some facet of you? More than one, perhaps?
I've answered a similar question with Thoreau -- I was given ONE book and more than one facet, so I referenced my Complete Thoreau. Of particular interest are "Civil Disobedience" and "Life Without Principle", but Walden really said a lot to me, as well, about independence and self-reliance. Leaves of Grass definitely informs that facet of me, as well, as do the poets Gary Snyder and W.S. Merwin (contemporaries of your Silvia Plath, no less, and taught as a group in one of my favorite lit classes ever). I'm sure I could think of a lot more (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress was more of a confirmation for me than an enlightenment, but it could serve as an introduction with the caveat that I'm only socially libertarian).
5. If you suddenly found yourself victim of a perpetual writer's block, what way(s) would you devise/discover to express your creativity?
Well, it's not that I spend a lot of time right now writing and I am actually using a much different set of excuses than those covered by what I think of as "writer's block". However, given the hypothetical nature of the question, I'll go with the fun answer and say I'd get creative with the law and become a criminal mastermind.