Jul 20, 2004 19:20

aparently i over react....and i lie about the things in my life... so people say .. also ive been told lately that im not allowed to cry or show any real emotion unless its me being happy....well SCREW THAT if i wanna cry i will... if i want to dance i will ..if i want to sing i will......this is last summer all over again...the fights with josh ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

lehcarcrelcel July 21 2004, 17:21:12 UTC
OK I'm sopping now cryin over this. Oh man, thank you so much Angela, it seems like everything you just said is how I feel for you. I care about you so much and you mean a lot to me and today was such a great day and I can't wait to have more. I really mean it, I can't thank you enough for always making me feel good. All those things you said about me make me sound perfect but I'm far from it and you don't care about all my imperfections and that's what makes you the best friend in the world. I love you dearly and I always will. Thank you :)


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