i figure u'd put that on a post i actually complained on??? wierd. i also figuredyou idiots would put your FREAKING name on your comments. never post on my LJ again. i hate orange juice..and lemons. and you.
then people like me couldnt post and that would be no fun!! i'm not mean on here like some other people..i dont like orange juice or lemons either..but hey, i say if it's his lj he might as well put what ever the crap he wants to on here..anyways..sounds like ya'll had a blast skimboarding!! i still want to learn how to do that by the way..i hope you had fun!! be carful coming home!--laura mac
bright enough i'm probably smarter or just as smart as both of yall with absolute no school. each and every one of yall wouldn't goto school of yall didnt have to, and if you say yes. your a damn lie.
do what? i am not lying. i would stay in school i know what highschool can get me and what dropping out can get me. i know the effects a GED has on diploma's. and i know how dropping out and not having social interaction with people every day can have a huge negative affect on your social skills. of which you are not as bright as laura or i with. of course you have a high IQ. your a smart guy. you just don't have social skills...sorry bro
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