Random thoughts about the "success" of the
CD I released back in May...
After RPM, I eventually got around to polishing up the tracks to something more like what I'd originally envisioned and put them up on Bandcamp. I posted it on Facebook, sent it out to a couple friends in particular, got a couple blurbs written about it on a music news site (although they never came through with the review), posted on Twitter a few times, and I've had a link to it as my Google talk status for a couple months now (although probably everybody who was going to click it has by now).
So, statistics, handily available "For all time" now instead of just up to the last 60 days:
- There have been 292 plays of 12 songs, including 92 complete (>90%) listens, 141 partial listens (10-90%), and 59 skips. Not unexpectedly, the first track, which maybe goes on too long, has the most listens. Listens decline as the track list goes on, from 86 listens (21/52/13) to the first track to only seven (3/3/1) to the last track.
- Most of the hits, by far, are listed as direct links from bookmarks, IMs, etc.: 1267 out of 1411.
- About 40 hits are from people exploring based on tags on Bandcamp. A few also landed from a site-specific Google query for things like "12 track" "name your own price"
- Speaking of name your own price: I've only had 12 downloads, and only one of those was a sale. End result: average selling price of 83 cents. Of the 12 downloads, 9 were from the US, and one each from Chile, Russia, and Germany. Only three of the downloads, including the paid one, were from people I actually know. 11 of the 12 gave me something that looks like an actual email address in exchange for the download (the last being junk@ some domain).
I suppose there's some moral to this, like "advertise better" "make the first song more interesting" "go ahead and charge for the download, because the option of free isn't enticing many people to download anyway."