So this evening there was a powercut in the local area. Alarms went off, then they stopped. I imagine some people get weirded out when there's a powercut in the dark, but I think I managed OK. All through my childhood we never managed to get into the habit of buying enough replacement lightbulbs, so I got used to moving around in the dark, so
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Also last power outage I was in, I was at a strange house, pet sitting and I was so glad to have the shake flashlight and my cell phone, as the regular phone was out with the loss of power.
Ironically, I used the shake flashlight to find a candle and a match. Ha! I settled down to read a book after making sure that the house was not being attacked by Ninjas or other bad guys. I also didn't have to use the cell phone, which I would have used to call 911 while fleeing with the cats from any Deadly Night Ninjas.
I may try to be brave, but I'm no fool. I'd flee, I tell you!
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