That song always makes me sad and makes me realize that things are changing right before for my eyes whether I want them to or not. I remember being in 9th grade and thinking I can't wait till I'm a senior and now I am. Like you I'm scared...I don't want to leave Amsterdam yet, I'm afraid that I'm going to lose some of my best friends. I feel like I just started high school yesterday. Everything has went by so fast. I promise you that we'll stay in touch some how...internet, phone, or're one of my best friends and I don't want to lose you.
hey! I read this kinda late so i dont know if you'll see it but I know that out of everyone that i know you will most definately be one I stay in touch with all my life. We have been friends for so long that i couldn't even begin to imagine life without you. seriously, there is no way we wouldn't stay in touch. Thats great that your going to another country after we graduate, but i will miss you so much. I dont want to think about it now. I know you'll have a great time. as long as you dont have such a good time that you stay there b/c I would have to either go live with you or just go get you and drag u back with me! lol! I would too! don't you doubt it! we have to hang out soon. I miss ya!
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