Brill's Intro Quest
1 - Family ||
2 - Weakness || 3 - Regret || 4 - Preparations ||
Okay, remember when I said we’d be getting to the meat of this? Well, I was mistaken. But it’s okay, because I do like this chapter! I like that it addresses how Goku is the BEST DAD EVER, personally.
Chapter 3 )
Comments 2
The point is, show us punches being thrown. Show them all phasing out and in of vision while knocking out a few trees. Show us something."
To be fair, it could be that the author just couldn't write fight scenes, knew it, and decided to gloss over it rather than forcing an incredibly awkward scene. I can think of a few professional authors who would have benefited greatly from doing that with sex scenes.
"I’ll get to why later, but we’ll just say that the reason I want it to be a thing that happens is because (1) Kurogane can bitchslap sense into people better than Chuck Norris can, and (2) I’m a dirty, hypocritical pervert."
And then it turns into a threesome with Phoenix Wright?"With that said, I do like that this fic is ( ... )
And I was planning on addressing it because it was originally you and one of my former LJ friends who introduced me to that! There are better and more effective ways of screwing a person up other than putting rape in. There's actually a moment coming up in Maintaining that can illustrate that point perfectly, and we'll get to that when it comes.
Also, kudos to you, Roy. I never thought I would be out-innuendo'd by a character with teal-colored text. As a reward, I just might analyze the sex scene where Goku and Vegeta destroy the bathroom with Super-Saiyan demolition sex.
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