So over the past week, since the Rally, the Election has pretty much been devouring my soul.
And now it's over. Holy crap.
I remember.
I remember I was sitting on my bed in my dorm, flipping between CNN and MSNBC (I'd spent ALL DAY watching the former, to the point where I COMPLETELY FORGOT to go to my 5pm class) and obsessively refreshing the
ontd_political comm. That place is addictive, holy crap. While IMing with a friend back in StL.
And they announced it.
And I screamed.
My dorm building, see, is semi-attached (by a covered walkway) to the boys' dorm. Next to us is the Black Culture Centre. And I swear, they EXPLODED. Fireworks and screaming. Girls started running up and down the hall cheering, and I went out to celebrate with them. After a while, I went outside and walked around, and people honked, and cheered, and celebrated, and yelled stuff at passersby and it was the most fantastic energy.
Then I went back to my dorm, turned MSNBC back on, went back on line, and continued to watch coverage.
Around maybe one in the morning I realised, holy shit, there's still Prop 8. And proceeded to stay up until 5am constantly refreshing the stats, hoping against hope that the gap would close up.
It didn't.
Proposition 8 passed. Florida's Prop 2 passed. Arizona's anti-gay-marriage measure passed, and Arkansas's ridiculous adoption thing passed.
A great night for racial equality. A really shit night for gay rights. It's a step in the right direction, the election of Obama, but there's so much farther we have to go. Racism isn't over. Homophobia is strong as ever.
But there is hope. There is hope for change and hope for a better world, and though my Christian group would not be very happy if they knew I was putting my faith in a human... I have faith that Obama's reign will bring about a better world. For us all.