This is in response to
grouchyoldcoot's recent posting
here, which references
this article. I decided if I was going to hijack the discussion, I might as well bring it to my own blog.
I agree with the article. I don't think the problem with this country is wealth, I think it's wealth distribution. I envision a future (and one I'm becoming more likely to live to see with each passing year) where the entire population is 'lottery winners' who receive a steady income which provides them with 'enough money' for food, clothing, shelter and necessities.
Check out Ben Cohen (of Ben and Jerry fame)'s website, for how to re-arrange the military budget. "The $463 billion Pentagon is so unaccountable that not only could the Dept. of Defense not pass an audit, its books are in such bad shape that an audit cannot be performed." The 'oreo cookie' video is an eye-opener. Changing less than 5% of the military budget could feed, shelter, and clothe everyone in the US below the poverty level.
Less than 5% of the population would be 'working'. We would still need people like surgeons and robot repairmen. Education would be free, straight through to college, grad schools and PhDs. I don't think teachers would have a real problem with this, I don't know of any that are 'only in it for the money' :). The majority of people would be content to be 'consumers' and spent all day being entertained via TV, movies, networking, travel, what have you. The rest would become 'artists'. With nearly unlimited 'free time' there would be an enormous jump in amateur theater, volunteer archeological digs, potluck gatherings, etc.
I think money would become strictly a local thing for purpose of buying art and services. Ithaca bucks have been around for over 20 years now. I see local businesses with 'Fred Bucks accepted here' signs all the time. (University of 'Fred'onia) See
Creating a Local Currency for how this works.
Now, it's the 21st century.
Where's My Jetpack?