
May 08, 2009 23:25

Series: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Series' Medium: Video Game

Character: Dahlia Hawthorne
Character's role in their canon: Dahlia was the main/reoccurring antagonist in Trials and Tribulations.
Character's age: 24-25
Character's gender: Female
Character’s “Real Name”: Linda May

Personal History: A long, long time ago, there lived a woman in the town of Kurain Village named Mystic Ami Fey, a woman who had the strange ability to channel the dead. Revered for her gifts and proclaimed to be the Master of this Kurain Channeling Technique, her spirit was said to be preserved in a special urn after her death, and her direct descendants continued to learn this technique in her home town, her powers passed on through the female children with various degrees of strength.

Dahlia Hawthorne and her twin sister Iris were born to one such descendent, Morgan Fey. Morgan Fey was a good many things: motivated, headstrong, very cunning and intelligent… Unfortunately, endowed with the strength of her ancestor was not one of them, at least not to the level of her sister, Misty. No matter Morgan’s ambition, her sister claimed the head of the Fey clan as the new Master, leaving the lesser of the two sisters to aspire for her daughters to usurp control.

Just like Morgan, however, their medium power was useless at best.

Now no one ever knows what exactly turned Dahlia into such a bad girl. Maybe it was because Morgan became distant to her and her sister once it was clear they would be no help, maybe she could clearly see what a horrible person her mother was and resented her for it, maybe it was because their inability to use the technique put a strain on their parents’ relationship and they eventually separated, or maybe she was just a bad egg from the get go. Whatever it was, Dahlia started showing she wasn’t exactly an angel at an early age: soon after her parents separated and her father remarried, Dahlia convinced her father to abandon her sister, forcing Iris to grow up with her aunt Bikini and far, far away from Dahlia.

Maybe this was a good thing. Without Dahlia around, Iris never grew as resentful and manipulative as her sister. Iris had Bikini as a loving mother figure, and while I make no attempt whatsoever to justify any of Dahlia’s heartless actions, maybe it isn’t such a stretch to see why she’s so dang hateful. Her father remarried another woman, whom herself had another child already: Valerie. Dahlia had already been pushed away by her mother. Her father obviously showed how little he cared about Iris by letting Dahlia talk him into leaving her. He was getting remarried to a strange woman with another child, gave all his attention to them and shunned Dahlia just like her mother…

Iris and Dahlia would still visit one another, though. And by the age of fourteen, Dahlia had formed a plan to get back at their father for neglecting them. You see, Mr. Hawthorne was a very wealthy man, and a jeweler at that. With one of those diamonds in particular being worth a good two-million dollars, they could just take the diamond, run away, and start a new life for themselves while getting revenge in one fell swoop.

But they’d need help, so Dahlia enlisted Valerie and her tutor, Terry Fawles. The plan was for Terry to “kidnap” Dahlia and Valerie, being a police officer, would confront him and get Dahlia back in exchange for the diamond. Iris ducked out at the last minute however, causing Dahlia to talk to Valerie and convince her that it would be better to cut Terry out of the deal too.

This is about where Dahlia cemented herself as a conniving bitch.

The new plan was thus: Valerie would have Terry arrested for the “kidnapping,” and Dahlia and her would run away with the diamond. Dahlia, however, seemed to have changed her mind mid-transaction. While Valerie fired her gun at Terry (much to Terry’s shock and surprise), Dahlia stole the diamond, tucked it away in her backpack, and leaped off the bridge the three had met on and into the river below. Iris managed to rescue her sister from near death, but when the cops arrived, Valerie immediately claimed that Terry had pushed Dahlia to her death and the poor man was promptly arrested. She claimed the exact same story in court, putting Terry Fawles on death row. Dahlia, meanwhile, got away scotch free. Now that she was “dead,” she had all the chance in the world to make a new life for herself. With Valerie’s help, she changed her name to Melissa Foster and went into hiding, doing whatever she wanted.

For a while.

Five years down the road, Terry escaped prison and contacted Valerie. Now haunted with the guilt of what she’d done to an innocent man, Valerie agreed to meet up with Terry on the bridge the “kidnapping” had taken place and finally tell him the truth of what happened. She also got into contact with Dahlia and told her just what she was planning.

Dahlia didn’t like the idea of someone finding out that she really had been alive all these years and did the only logical thing for her to do: she killed her own step-sister and again framed it on Terry.

As much as she planned the murder out - moving the dead body into the trunk of the car Terry had stolen to get to the bridge, disguising herself as Valerie and setting up a camera to get “evidence” of this meeting, making up her own fake witness testimony, and pleading with the police to not appear in court - she wasn’t expecting the defense attorneys in the case to be so damn adamant for the prosecution to drag out an actual witness, nor for the prosecution being so prideful as to indulge them. Once she was out in the courtroom and questioned at every angle, it became harder and harder for Dahlia to lie about what she saw on the spot. For a minute there, it really looked like she was going to be rightfully pinned not only for the murder of Valerie, but for the faked kidnapping as well.

So when Terry got up on the stand to and was given one last opportunity to testify against Dahlia, she plainly reminded him of a promise they had made five years ago. Even at the age of 14, Dahlia had convinced poor Terry that she loved him unconditionally. She loved him and she trusted him, and she’d give him this sweet little bottle-necklace as proof of it. If they ever stopped trusting each other, they should take the necklace and drink the contents inside it.

So Terry did. Before he could get to the second part of his cross-examination, he spewed blood from his mouth and died.

Without his testimony, Dahlia got away again.

A while after this, one of the defense attorneys on Terry’s side, a Mr. Diego Armando, confronted Dahlia himself. They set up a meeting to speak with one another in the court’s cafeteria and Dahlia made sure to prepare herself by doing what she did best: convincing a man that she loved him (in this case a college student at Ivy University with keys to the Pharmaceutical Department, Doug Swallow) and using him to get what she wanted (in this case: poison). TL;DR: Diego should have been watching his coffee, because the second he took his eyes off of it, Dahlia slipped the poison in and then slipped away.

Once it was clear Mr. Armando was not going to wake up, the police went on full alert. She knew the first person they’d search would be her, and so long as she had that little necklace of poison around her neck, she couldn’t let them find her. As luck would have it, however, the court’s reading room wasn’t empty: in it was one Phoenix Wright. Dahlia immediately latched onto him and, again, claimed to be madly in love with him. She even had a beautiful necklace to give him as a token of her affection! Phoenix bought into it, took the necklace off her hands, and again Dahlia was free to go with no evidence on her.

Still, evidence of no, the cops were still watching her. She couldn’t very well get the necklace back herself, but since it pinned her to the crime she had to get it back. This time, she deployed Iris to get the job done - forcing her sister to act as her and get the necklace back from Phoenix (who at this point had begun to make an even bigger mess by showing his lovely little necklace to everyone he met) and return it to her sister.

This went on for six months. Dahlia became, understandably, impatient.

Finally tired of waiting, Dahlia again took a toxic five-finger discount from the university’s drug lab and met up with Phoenix for the day instead of Iris. Since Phoenix was sick that day and carrying around his precious bottle of Coldkiller X, she stole the thing, poisoned it, and made plans to give it to him later.

And then Doug Swallow got involved. To make a long story short, he came to Phoenix to warn him about Dahlia’s misleading ways, and about how she stole poison from his lab both the day before and six months ago. Phoenix shoved Doug into an electrical pole, snapping one of the weak wires, and ran off in a fit of childish rage. Dahlia then shoved Doug into the downed wire, electrocuting him, then putting the poisoned bottle of Coldkiller X in his hand to both hide her intention and pin the blame on Phoenix. It worked, too! Phoenix got arrested for her crime, easy as punch.

Too bad Mia Fey, the second half of the defense team six months ago, was the defense attorney again this time. This time Dahlia got pinned for all of her crimes after a grueling case and was sentenced to death.

Five years later, before her execution, she woke up in Landel’s.

All things considered, she took it well enough, especially since she was almost eaten by zombies her first week there. After realizing the place wasn’t going to just let her walk out, Dahlia began to pool in all the resources. As per her usual MO, she made sure to spin as many people as she could around her little finger to ensure she had all the meatshields and back-up to do whatever she needed them to. She even made… somewhat allies with Sync the Tempest! Their zombie-killing and hero-deceiving ways were legendary!

And then I dropped her because I’m a tool. :[

Personality: Dahlia is a bitch. You ever heard the term “a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” Well, Dahlia is a bitch in sheep’s clothing. She is two-faced, conniving, manipulating, and doesn’t care one iota about anyone other than herself - hell, she murdered her own step-sister, convinced a man who very well could have been mentally handicapped to commit suicide for her, then even planned to kill her nine-year-old cousin and pin the crime on her twin. She would fake absolutely anything to get away with her crimes and commit the most heinous crimes to get what she wants. And she’s intelligent to be able to do so, but she’s also egotistical and doesn’t seem to believe that her mistakes and crimes will ever be caught. She tends to underestimate EVERYONE, thinking she’s better than them and they’re too stupid to figure anything out for themselves. But when they do? She stubborn and cold, and if anyone gets in her way for too long, she has no qualms about killing them to get rid of them.

But you’ll never see this on the outside, no. All anyone ever sees is the tranquil, beautiful girl that Dahlia presents herself as. A sweet, innocent girl who’s so delicate, she must be protected at all times and by everyone around her (this interestingly never seems to work on other, older woman). This Dahlia is the polite one who would never say anything out of line, would never eavesdrop or lie unless she was doing so to save someone she loved! She’s just too innocent! But she does get upset easily, crying at the slightest provocation and berating herself for the simplest of mistakes. She’s just a simple, lovely girl who could never hurt a fly. Her smile will break your heart - and she always smiles, especially when things are darkest for her. It’s just too precious for words!

And that’s probably why she’s so dangerous. She gets away with it because people don’t want to believe she can hurt anyone. And she uses this to her advantage like no other.

Physical Description: As opposed to her personality, well… Dahlia is, in a word, beautiful. It’s almost otherworldly, really, just how sweet and innocent she comes off as. Her skin is pale and flawless, off-setting her large, brown eyes and, if she hadn’t dyed her hair a bright, blood red, she’d have all the qualities of Snow White working for her. Her face is round and childish, the rest of her figure matching this innocent look by being thin and frail. Her hair is straight, and usually braided back in two French braids and are wrapped around her head like a crown.

As for dress-style, she usually prefers anything long and flowing. White is a must, usually trimmed with delicate pink lace. She’s also very fond of parasols.


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