I realized I don't really update anything other than me watching TV on Saturday LOL!!
Well~ now I've decided to update what I do on Sunday as well<3 since this is my only "FREE" day where I actually get to GO OUT *v*
SO~ like every other Sundays... I went shopping again XD! 心斎橋に行ったよ~
I feel like I'm just burning money >_>
Money does not feel like money anymore... they are just papers =~="
This actually my second time going to 心斎橋 but last time... I kinda wandered in the wrong direction after going to the JE shop.. LOL
I walked directly to the 難波direction without noticing it at all XD So this time.. I stayed in the 商店街 area in 心斎橋!I'm so happy I got all the stuff I wanted to buy *v* its all necessaries! *cough*
But yeah.. its too long... and I went there a bit too late i guess... + spent too long in each of the stores.. LOL I did not make it to the other end again = =" so sad.. I have to make another revenge to 心斎橋 (*^*)o
Things I got ♥ ( Pictures to be uploaded later as they are still untouched inside shopping bags... >"<)
Look what I saw on my way back to the station <3 (totally ignoring the entire world and started taking pics XD)
Actually saw the drama today~ Its a lot better than I expected it to be! So funny XD