Awww thank you! Mal would probably be encouraging them, to be honest. She has rabid Cobb/Arthur fangirl written all over her. "Yes, Arthur, nibble a little lower. Dom, turn around and look a little more lively. You promised me this for my birthday!"
eee that makes me so happy to hear X) Thank you so much!
tbh i was kind of fangirling out a bit myself (but not in a narcissistic way! just in a, HEY COBB AND ARTHUR ARE ACTUALLY KISSING HERE. HEY I AM ACTUALLY SEEING IT HAPPEN AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME kind of way)
Thank you!! I have to say, Dom is much easier to draw than Arthur (though I think I got a bit carried away with the ~shoujo eyes~ in the last drawing). I haven't got JGL's defining features down besides the downturned eyes and the big ears and Arthur's slicked-back hairdo... hopefully it will come in time. I will work on improving! :)
Comments 49
your work is great! thanks for sharing.
Or maybe that's just my projection. I dunno.
tbh i was kind of fangirling out a bit myself (but not in a narcissistic way! just in a, HEY COBB AND ARTHUR ARE ACTUALLY KISSING HERE. HEY I AM ACTUALLY SEEING IT HAPPEN AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME kind of way)
They're all lovely. <3
Thank you dear <3
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