TBBT fanart, ahoy!

Nov 04, 2011 18:03

I've decided that I should spread some TBBT love, so here we are c:

The Big Bang Theory (c) Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady & the CBS

Penny <3

Sheldon & Raj c: I think I got the proportion wrong, but I hope you'd like it anyway ^^"

This is referring to ep. 3x04. It's one of my favourite eps of season 3. Love Sheldon & Raj friendship - I wish we'd have more of their scenes together.

I wish Raj would be Sheldon's roommate for at least a bit longer. One episode is totally not enough.

I've started shipping Shamy wholeheartedly somewhere at the beginning of season 5. They'd be such a perfect pairing for a dialogue-only fic. Or a fic with a very quiet tone - that would suit them greatly as well. Does anyone have any fic rec for me? <3

I'm so excited for today episode (5x08), but I don't live in the U.S., so I have to wait for a while...

I drew this fanart because Amy giving Sheldon a brain scan is on my wishlist, even though I don't think that'd happen on the show, since they've already done that with Beverly.

Anyway, if Sheldon and Amy ever get together, I always like to imagine that Amy would give Sheldon an EEG, and see what the data stream is like when she touches him - simply because she's interested. I don't mean a lot of touching, it could just be holding hands and whatnot. After all, innocence is one of the reasons I love about this pairing.

Moving on, to our beloved man...

Reference: Ep. 3x19 The Wheaton Recurrence

Stuart: You guys still on for bowling tonight?
Sheldon: Oh, yes. In fact, I've prepared some trash talk for the occasion. Ahem. You bowl like your mama. Unless she bowls well. In which case, you bowl nothing like her.
Stuart: Oh. Ouch.
Sheldon: That is what is referred to as a burn on you.

I love the way he smiles so proudly about his trash talk XD Sweet Sheldon.

I drew this before I saw ep. 5x07 - that part when he smiled and put his hands over his ears was so cute! I wish I drew that one instead, maybe I will draw the scene someday. I'd definitely find some time to draw a shot that has Jim's hands in it.

the big bang theory, fanart

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