
Oct 07, 2012 19:55


Fell of the edge of the world sanity the internet for a while there ( Read more... )

almighty johnsons, rl, health, merlin, television

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Comments 17

shapinglight October 7 2012, 19:33:57 UTC
I wouldn't like to be ruled by ducks, though. Vicious bastards, ducks.

Nice to see you back. I hope your knee recuperates well.


daiseechain October 7 2012, 23:16:55 UTC
Could be worse - could be geese! :-D

Thank you. Great to be back here. Really missed this place.


curiouswombat October 7 2012, 19:49:41 UTC
So good to see you! I've been thinking of you quite a bit over the past few weeks - I was wondering whether to e-mail to make sure you aten't dead or just wait and see - and my default is always the course of least resistance - hence you have not received a worried e-mail!

Ouch for surgery and food poisoning - and a quick hurrah for good things!

Your trip to Edinburgh sounds as much fun as Gill & my trip to Loughborough. But with better architecture and without the Team UK high security.

And as for the letter - good grief. If her offspring evolved into ducks the world would be a better place...


daiseechain October 7 2012, 23:21:38 UTC
There you go. We've been telepathically thinking of each other. Email not required! (Have been thinking on WriterconUK and worrying that I'd missed important-type things).

Loughborough for the 'lympics I take it?


wwmrsweasleydo October 7 2012, 20:14:44 UTC
I love you!

Is the knee all better? My knees are an issue ATM. I'd like to hear that somebody has knees which got fixed. And, of course, I want you to have pain-free walking now.

I misread one of your Edinburgh escapades as 'underground liars'. Lairs are far more cool.

I'm so happy to 'see' you again! Did I mention that I love you?


wwmrsweasleydo October 7 2012, 20:18:46 UTC
Also, ducking hell, she's an argument against home schooling, isn't she?


daiseechain October 7 2012, 23:27:55 UTC
Oh, oh! Your icon! So exactly how I'm feeling these days.

She is a bit, rather.

Knee is still recovering. Torn ligament. And, um, there's a high probability the other knee also has a torn ligament, popped while protecting the first one *headdesk*

Pretty sure there were also underground liars so you read it perfectly :-D

Very, very happy to see you too. *huge hugs* Missed everyone here.


wildecate October 7 2012, 21:55:43 UTC
Yes. He is.


daiseechain October 7 2012, 23:29:35 UTC
Oh Head Desk.

Was so hoping that at some point he Bought Himself A Clue.

Ah well. Still enjoyable.


wildecate October 8 2012, 06:13:54 UTC
No. But the knights get progressively more naked and lickable ..... Mmmmmm Gawaine ;-)


wildecate October 8 2012, 17:41:39 UTC
No one has got that much money!


(The comment has been removed)

daiseechain October 7 2012, 23:30:15 UTC
Hi you too! Such a relief to be back. *Hugs*


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