Title: Make Love Your Goal
Chapters: drabble
melinen aka
daishimelGenre: general/romance
Disclaimer: The same old song aka no owning
Rating: G
Pairings: DiexShinya
Synopsis: “I’m so in love with you, purge the soul. Make love your goal.”
Comments: A drabble written for my Christmas calendar, late as well. Die's first (and only) line is taken from the song The Power of Love that I happened to be listening while writing this.
“I’m so in love with you, purge the soul. Make love your goal.”
Shinya blinks, he frowns, he hides behind his hair, he sighs softly; he does all that and so much more before finally turning and looking at Die and evenly meeting his gaze.
Die is silly and stupid and sentimental and looking at him with those puppy dog eyes of his; he is calm and collected and confident with himself; he is even amused and Shinya huffs, almost annoyed, and shakes his head in defeat.
But, above all other things, all those silly, nonsensical things, Die is his.