The Basics
Name: Tyler
Age: 18
Location: Finland
A Little Bit More
What are five positive adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Weird [to me that's a compliment], imaginative, polite and, uhh.. smart?
What are five negative adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Procrastinating, impatient, anti-social, paranoid and insecure.
What are three things that you are good at? Speaking/writing English [my first language is Finnish]. Seeing something beautiful in things some people might consider useless or trash [for example, I love buying stuff from flea markets]. If I have to be somewhere at a certain time, I'll be there.
What are three things that you are not good at? Doing something if I'm told to do so. Being comfortable around people [I don't feel comfortable talking to/with people I don't know, I find it difficult to make friends easily, and I also have some serious issues with touching people - I don't even feel comfortable hugging my friends]. Even though I'm always in time, I'm a terrible procrastinator and usually leave things 'till the last minute.
What are some of your pet peeves? People who do something just because "everyone else does it too". People who are in a shop, see their friend and start chatting with them right in the middle of the corridor, blocking the way from other customers. People who use cell phones in places where cell phones should be kept shut. People who stick their noses where they don't belong.
What are some of your dreams for the future? I want to figure out what I should start studying and what I want to do for a living. I'd also like to be involved with making a movie. And what comes to my personality, I would like to be more confident and trust myself more.
This or That: Are you...
A lover or a fighter? Hmm.. even though I don't like people that much, I'd say I'm more of a lover. I'm such a wuss. But I'm gonna admit though, if zombies try to take over the world someday, then I'm so gonna turn into a fighter.
An introvert or an extrovert? Introvert. I wish I could be a little less reserved around people.
A girly girl or a tomboy? Neither, actually. I'm definiltely not a girly girl, but being tomboy would mean I'd be good at or at least interested in sports, which I'm not. I'm more like a.. dudey girl. You know, video gaming and watching DVDs and such.
An optimist or a pessimist? Even though I smile a lot more than I should, I'm pretty pessimistic.
A leader of a follower? Follower, definitely. Even though I dislike being told what to do, I dislike being in charge even more.
Color: Orange, green and black.
Animal: Wolves [and canines in general], goats, cows, geckos, iguanas and dinosaurs. Rawr.
Season Mmm.. autumn or spring. Not too hot, not too cold.
Movie: Brokeback Mountain, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Boondock Saints, Go, Fight Club, The Blues Brothers, From Dusk Till Dawn, Reservoir Dogs, Shoot 'Em Up, Sleuth, Four Rooms, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Road to El Dorado, Cursed, Deep Blue Sea, Dead Silence, The Blair Witch Project, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, Moulin Rouge!, Amélie, Army of Darkness, Small Town Folk, The Mummy, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Hellbent, Rest Stop, The Breakfast Club, Doom, Die Hard, Stranger Than Fiction, Rain Man, Grimm Love, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, The Brothers Grimm.. yeah, I could continue this for a while.
TV Show: Oz, Supernatural, House, Prison Break, Pushing Daisies, Psych, Dexter, Hustle, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Arrested Development, The Joulukalenteri, Quantum Leap and My Name Is Earl.
Musical artist/Band The Killes, Gavin DeGraw and Billy Talent.
Book: Pretty much anything by Stephen King, especially The Shining and Dreamcatcher. I also love Vampire$ by John Steakley.
Quote: ""Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!" [Tyler Durden in the movie Fight Club]
Pushing Daisies
Which episode is your favorite? Season one, episode four - Pigeon. I loved the story of Elsita and Jackson, and the windmills. But the main reason Pigeon is my favourite episode is because I loved how it began with the story of Digby returning to young Ned.
What is your favorite outfit that a character has worn? (Pictures are encouraged, but not necessary)
This dress, it's just so pretty, with the ladybugs and all. Even I would wear it.
What is your favorite quote from Pushing Daisies?
Emerson: (panicking) "Can't this car go any faster?!"
Chuck: "Some car of the future this is!"
Ned: "I thought cars of the future were supposed to fly! What the hell happened to flying cars?"
When did you become a fan of the show? On January, when they started to show it in Finland. I noticed the previews, thought the show was interesting, watched it and fell in love.
The End
Anything else you'd like to add? No, not really.
Please link to three unstamped applications that you have voted on (or as many as are available, if fewer than three): Only
one and
two, there wasn't a third one.
1-3 Picture(s), or a descrption if you're more comfortable with that:
Unfortunately, my hair is not naturally purple. Damn.