right when i got home, i started working on icons & the tutorial and everything... i'm happy with what i got done. ...i mean, though none of it looks GREAT, it's ok. haha. XD as kyliemuffin requested, i posted the tutorial for #4 of the alice nine icons i made a few days ago. ^^ hope it helps. ♥ ♥ ...welp, it's a Friday night and i actually dont have to work! i'm gonna go cruise tokyo with my bestest fwiend. <3 (and probably spend all my money again. >.O)
x05 Dir en Grey
x05 Gackt
x05 Hana Kimi
x05 NEWS
x20 Tokio Hotel
+ icon tutorial
01. please credit DAISUKICONS if anything is used. :)
02. comments are really appreciated ♥
03. enjoy!!
Icon Tutorial:
we're going to be going from
really, really simple. no curves or anything involved. XD
Step One:
Start off with selecting and cropping your image. Create a new layer and fill it with a dark blue color (i used #00103D) -- set it to exclusion with the opacity set to 100%.
Step Two:
Combine all layers, duplicate the base layer, and set it to Overlay - opacity 100%. Then go to Filter >> Sharpen >> Sharpen. Sharpen it twice.
Step Three:
Now go to Image >> Adjustments >> Color Balance. Set the color levels to the following:
41 - 0 - 23
Then go to Image >> Adjustments >> Hue/Saturation. Set the saturation to +30.
Step Four:
Create a new layer. Set it to lighten. Select a circle brush with a soft edge, choose a reddish color (I went with #FF0000), and paint one dot.
And for the final touches, I chose the font wingdings, and added in that smexy skull I love so much. :3
and there you have it! :D i know i'm not very good with tutorials, so i lost you anywhere, please let me know. ^^;
Dir en Grey0102030405
Hana Kimi0102030405
Tokio Hotel0102030405