Title: The lies that turn good...
daisukirain pairings: Reita X Ruki
warnings: slight smut, other than that none
genre: fluff
chapters: 1/1
reituki reitaxruki rukixreita
As Ruki wraps his arm around Reitas shoulder he starts to wonder about what Reita is to him. Is he just a friend or is he more...
Maybe if I ask him first he might make my question into a answer. Nervously Ruki asks. "Reita what am I to you?" Reita was a little
thrown off by the question because he didn't know how to answer. "Well Ruki.... um your a boy to me..?" Rukis face was really
serious and again he asked, "Please Reita, what am I to you?!" This time Reita knew what Ruki was asking but did not want to
answer this question. Ruki's my friend but I love him more than a friendly matter, but if I tell him he might be discusted and not talk
to me again... and I dont want that to ever happen. "Umm.... Ruki I think you know what you are to me, your my friend.." Friend,
Friend, why' did I have to lie to Ruki... As Ruki heard the word friend he showed a slight sadness in his face but he was
expressionless after, not even Reita could tell what he felt. Ruki was let down, he actuallu thought that he meant something more
than a friend. To Ruki Reita was more than just a friend, more than best friends, maybe even soulmates. He never thought that
Reita would think that Ruki was gonna say something like that. He was kind of heart broken.
2 days later
"Ruki do you want to come to my house today?!" Ruki thought for a second and answered "sure..." He would never answer with a no
if i t was going to Reitas house. Hours later he arrives at the house known as Reitas. They buy pizza from this dude named Uruha
who had his partner Aoi with him, they were all lovey-dovey. "The pizza tastes sooo good!" Reita and Ruki had something that they
both needed to tell each other and it couldnt wait for another day because this was a very very serious matter to both of them. They
knew that they would have to tell the truth sooner or later. "Ruki I have to tell you something.." "Me too." They were both wondering
what the other had to say until one of them broke the silence "Ruki do you want to say what your gonna say first?", there was an
awquard silence then he answered. "No, umm I think that you should go first." As Reita heard Rukis answer he was even more
nervous to know that he was the one that was going to be going first in this little speach session of theres, but he knew that Ruki
has to know his true feelings. He looked down nervously. "Do you remember the question you asked me like 2 days ago?!." Ruki
nodded to answer. "Well I lied, I think of you more than just a friend, I think that your my cream to my coffee. I love you and I want you
to know that.. So please don't be disguste---" Reita was interrupted when Ruki had kissed his lips. Reita didn't move at first but then
after he was moving very rhythmicly. Reita and Ruki began to undress together the person undressing the other person. As soon as
there whole body was bare they stayed there for a moment looking at each of there bodys there every little angle and every little
blemish but when that was over the excitement started. Both of there cocks were already hard from just staring at each others naked
body. Ruki began to suck on Reitas cock causing pre-cum to fall out., Reita was feeling so good but it was time for Ruki to feel
good. He asked. "Reita can you please touch me?" His question sounded so innocent while the question itself wasn't innocent.
Reita was more than excited to be touching the one that he loves body. Reita began pumping Rukiscock that was so very long that
Reita couldnt believe that with such a small body he has such a big and humongous one. "Ohhh that feels soo good Reita~" Ruki
can I enter you?" Of course Ruki couldn't refuse to this because he needed more pleasure because he wanted to feel soo good
especially if reita was in his body he'd feel even more better. Ruki nodded and Reita went to get some lube. He had it under his bed.
Reita lathered his fingers with all the lube on his hands and asked Ruki if he was ready and yes he was.. The first finger was put in
with no hesitation and his whole fist was put in also with no hesitation. "Ne..Re..Reitaaa~!" Ruki felt so good cause Reitas fingers
were soo long. Reita took them out and made Ruki want his cock even more now. Ruki couldnt wait any longer for Reita to put his
cock in his entrance so he jumped on Reitas cock and started sliding up and down of Reitas shaft. Reita started controlling his
movements and he heard Ruki scream so loud. "THERE!! REITA!! THEREEE OHH" Reita knew that he had hit Rukis prostate which
was the spot that gave him pleasure. He went as fast as he could in Ruki and they both felt so blissful its like they were in a heaven
of gaygods... well that would be interesting.. both of them were going toexplode soon and they did Rukis seed was all over Reitas
bed and Reitas seed was inside Ruki and 1 moinute later Reita took his cock out of Ruki and they were both soo happy. There
rough breathing had come to an end but they were never gonna forget that moment. Reita remembered something in the back of
his head and spoke up. "Oi Ruki didnt you have to tell me something?" "Oh yeah I was gonna say I LOVE YOU" "Well I Love you too
and always will... ♥
authors note: im soo happy i finished this hopefully you like it.. i think i made alot of errors though...