Is practically nonexistent. She has a small bruise under her eye and some yellow across the brow bone. But no shiner. I am both relieved and a bit disappointed. I am happy the there was little damage done, but if you are going to hurt yourself you might as well have something to show for it.
Julie has discovered the concept behind Calvin Ball. She is currently in a time-out for making her sister cry. They were playing some complicated game and Julie kept changing the rules. I think it's time for bed.
If you connect to the internet to get improvements to your existing software, you are downloading an update. If you connect to the internet to unleash a virus that will damage other people's computers, are you uploading a down-date?
WE're home from a lovely evening at Dave and Elizabeth's. Julie is crashed out on mommy and daddy's bed. Katie will be asleep soon. I'm looking longingly in that direction myself. May the new year be bright and the old year be quiet. Cheers!
The girls were watching a Winnie the Pooh movie this morning and, in an excess of enthusiasm, Tigger blew a raspberry into Rabbit's ear. Katie giggled wildly and announced "He blew in his ear!!!" Julie looked at me solemnly and advised,"Never blow in someone's ear. Always use a kleenex or paper towel."