Mission: Central Park; This is the real deal!!

Apr 29, 2009 20:52

It's go time!!

[Edit] THIS HAPPENS AT 1PM, IN-GAME MONDAY. You will be finished by the evening! [/Edit]

After meeting up and taking about an hour to discuss strategy and split up into groups etc, the mission will commence. They'll head on over to Central Park and VENTURE FORTH INTO THE VERY GATES OF HELL or something like that.

(Please note that we were expressly given mod permission to run this mission as an OOC discussion post instead of threading it!)

Terrain notes: The place looks like a warzone. The ground is pretty tore up, and there are lots of craters where Clover has been digging holes. The lake is grody don't touch it. Basically this is some pretty rough terrain. There are a few buildings left standing, but the majority of them are completely trashed.

Monster Movements: Herbie is hanging out around the northern end of the park, but he vanishes before anybody gets close, ducking into one of the tunnels and jettin'. You'll be feeling the aftershocks, which might be a little cause for freaking out, but nothing happens besides that.

Comms: All team leaders have radios. HERE IS THE PLAN THOUGH, AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Everyone with a radio will know their appropriate channels.

The Diversion team will all be on the same channel. That's Hamel, Mickey, Raiel, and Zero. Stein as well. Shikamaru and Kang will be listening here as well. This is also the channel the med team will be on (Billy and Euphemia).

The Stealth team (Toph and Odd) will be on a different channel. Kang will have two radios, one turned to the Diversion's channel, and one tuned to the Stealth's channel. If you absolutely need to cross-contact with the other team, you will have to change your radio channel to do it. (Like, if Raiel wanted to call Odd directly, he'd have to switch the radio channel. Otherwise he'd just relay the message through Kang.)

The stealth team, in order to contact the medic team, will either need to change their radio channel, or relay the request to Kang who will relay it to Billy (this is the preferred option, to keep the stealth team's radio chatter and sound footprint low).

The Teams:
There are two groups. The stealth group, which is a smaller force that will be heading off along a different path, and the diversion group, which is the much larger force that will be attracting a lot of attention and making...well, a diversion, for the stealth group.

Since the diversion group is so large, it's being split into teams, even though everyone is sticking together and not splitting up. This is to make it easy on the people leading everything. So like, if you have an issue, you go to YOUR team leader, and you listen to orders from YOUR team leader, team leaders keep an eye on THEIR teams for injuries, etc. They'll be getting orders from Kang and relaying them to their teams.

The support team will be hanging out on a roof near the edge of the park (about a block back, so Clover won't smash it in a rush). This makes it easier for Temeraire to land there with the wounded, and Kang will debrief them as they're brought in. Gaara and Shikamaru will be on other roofs, to spread out our line of sight. Plus, Temeraire and those riding him will be acting as scouts and giving advance warning.

Diversion group:
*Hamel (Leader) [Radio]
-Black Star

*Mickey (Leader) [Radio]

*Raiel (Leader) [Radio]

*Zero/Naoki (Leader) [Radio]
-The Doctor

Stein (Medic) [Radio]

Stealth group:
*Odd (Leader) [Radio]
-Boriane (Healer)
-Rinoa (Healer)
-Toph [Radio]


Medevac/Scout team:
Amy Rose
Billy Kaplan [Radio]

Rear command:
Kang [Radio] (+Naruto's borrowed radio)
Shikamaru [Radio]
Gaara (Distance scout) [Radio]

First Aid:
Euphemia (Leader) [Radio]
Nia (Aide)
Sara Sidle

The Events: (I will be updating this as discussion occurs, for an eventual handy summary of the mission)

First things first.



You are also permitted to sustain injuries, but I'd like nothing more severe than a 5. Let me know if you want your character injured enough to need a medevac back to the first aid team. Stein will be called over to give field first aid and if it's bad enough, Tem will be called in to airlift them out.

As for the plan, we're going straight to the middle of the park. It's the most likely spot for us to find anything. The way we see this running is that the stealth team gets there first, realizes there are too many crabs for them to even hope to face, and calls the diversion team to, well, create a diversion. Once they do, the stealth team runs into Belvedere Castle, splits up into two groups (Odd and Toph players can discuss how they'll manage that, but since they both have the radios we'd like them to be leading there). One group searches up, one searches down.

We are finding something amazing, you guys. From the mods themselves:

"Your characters can look all over the Park and come up with very little, however, they'll get lucky if they had straight to Belvedere Castle. That'll be really tricky to get to, as it's located centrally in the Park, and there's tons and tons of crabs in the area around it. Injuries getting there will be likely. However, if they manage to make it all the way to the castle, they can come away with evidence.

The castle itself is empty, devoid of any people. If they investigate the basements below the castle, they will discover a strange laboratory. [There is nothing to be found on any other floor of the castle - G] It looks like it was abandoned in a hurry, so there is still equipment and samples left everywhere. A quick search of the area will reveal tons of stuff related to the crab parasites: there are crab carcasses, pieces of crabs laid out on tables, a few live crabs left in steel-reinforced cages, and vials of crab blood and crab venom both in storage and under the microscope. Any notes or papers detailing what was being studied have been removed from the scene. [Re: scents for Bolt to pick up: the overwhemling scent of crabs, and faint hints of people, but nothing he's able to identify. - G]

They will also discover something else unusual: Left on one of the tables is an incredibly strange device; unfamiliar to anything else anyone may have seen. The device is a small, black box, four inches by four inches by two inches deep, made up of metal and strangely heavy. On the front of the box are two small, round lights: one red and one green. Neither light is on. The back of the box is a bit more sinister-looking: sticking out of the corners are four long, sharp prongs, like fishhooks. The prongs are about one and a half inches long each. In the middle of these fishhook prongs there is a full grid of smaller prongs, about half an inch long each, made of a highly conductive metal. It's not obvious what this thing is: they would require further study.

The opportunity to explore would not last long. Characters will need to grab what they can and hightail it out of there as quickly as possible: scouting teams soon discover Cloverfield is heading in their direction, fast, and above ground. The characters will barely be able to get out in time before Clover smashes up the entire castle. Cloverfield then proceeds to pursue them all the way out of the park, but doesn't follow once they escape back onto the streets."

So, the scouting team spots Clover coming and tells Kang and Kang yells for everyone to GET THE HELL OUT. Hamel and Raiel will hang back as long as they need to to make sure everyone is out, and everyone runs for the nearest section of city. Kang tells the teams they need to scatter when they hit the edge of the park, to minimize the target etc etc, the logic there shouldn't be too hard to follow.


Magic Music:
I am giving this its own segment. When the diversion team is called on to take the castle so the stealth team can check it out, you will get to see ~*MAGIC MUSIC*~ in action. Because there is such an overwhelming force of crabs surrounding the castle, Hamel and Raiel will decide to pull out the big guns and play a duet that will effect everyone within hearing range (which should be anybody there who isn't DEAF).

The song they are playing is Requiem for a Dream.

It will dredge up all the anger, frustration, hopelessness and despair in everyone's hearts, all of their negative feelings about being trapped in Manhattan. It will summon up those feelings, however deeply they may be buried, and direct them outward, giving everyone an emotional springboard for them to find the power to completely decimate their enemy. It's impotent rage being given potency and turned toward a cause. All these negative emotions will be turned into courage with the knowledge that, even in this seemingly hopeless situation, there's something you can still do to fight against it. EVERYONE, even if you are the worst fighter in this entire city, will turn into a living weapon as long as the music is being played, fueled by the will to fight against being victims of Manhattan, of its overseers, and of its monsters.

Normally, you can't fight the effects of magic music, but since they're not as strong in Manhattan as they are in Europe, you'd be able to fight its effects if you really wanted to. But why would you want to? You'll be feeling stronger than you ever have since stepping foot in Manhattan. The stronger your negative feelings about being stuck here, the more affected you'll be.

The music will cut out suddenly when the retreat order is given, but its effects will last a bit longer. If your feelings were particularly strong, maybe long enough to get you to the edge of the park. There are no lingering effects to magical music once it's faded.

And now it's your turn, participants. Let's talk about IC actions, reactions, injuries, etc etc etc.
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