Characters: Fran Madaraki, Professor Crane sort of, a whole bunch of other people
Content: Fran gives out tea laced with Crane's hallucinogens
Location: Outside Madison Square Garden
Time of day: Late afternoon
Warnings: BACKDATED to in-game Halloween and oh yeah, the Scarecrow and Fran are doing science together.
Fran and the good Professor had been working together for a few weeks now trying to conduct a city-wide psychological study with Halloween as their deadline. And now, with the holiday upon them and everything in proper order, all that was left to do was to distribute the hallucinogen that Crane had concocted.
She had only an inkling of its potency, not wanting to try it herself for, among other reasons, risk of experimenter bias. But everything had fallen into place rather nicely even without that piece of foreknowledge. The perfect vessel had been found, and it was even something that Fran could directly provide.
And all that was, of course, the reason why Fran now stood out front of Madison Square Garden with a cart next to her. In front of the cart stood a sign that read "Free tea to help boost morale!", and on top sat a large teapot and some paper cups. All she worried about was whether there'd be enough for everyone.
((OKAY GUYS SUP. Sorry about taking so long with this. Basically if your character drinks the tea, they will experience terrible hallucinations of their greatest fears once it hits their system, which should not take long. If your character signed up in
this thread, then just assume they got their tea and saw crazy stuff because I don't think anyone wants to drag this out any longer. Same thing if they didn't sign up but you still want in. If you have any questions, direct them to
this post and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.))