Characters: Laharl and Mao
Content: Mao takes up Laharl's
challenge. (Backdated a bit to uh, well before they move obviously!)
Location: Madison Square Garden
Time: Night into early morning
Warnings: Um, Mao and Laharl. Nuff said?
The Overlord was tired. After spending so long being 'on guard', for lack of a better term, it definitely didn't seem like anything was going to be happening. Mia seemed safe enough. Finally, he'd decided it was very much time for a nap.
Talk of changing their location had started to come up, and Laharl was looking forward to it. He was going to pick the best room he could out of the place. No more of this stupid, creaky, cot.
He was ready to be done with it, but for tonight it would still be the best he had for now. Really, the Overlord could crash just about anywhere, so very quickly upon curling up on the low, squeaky bed, he'd quickly crashed out, oblivious to anything else going about the stadium. Of all the people here, Laharl was probably the only person who slept well here.
Sleeping like a log had it's advantages.