In no particular order:
The whole episode made me feel as if I had anhedonia, until Wilson showed up and proved it was the episode and not me. The scene with the apple was hilarious and (as far as I was concerned, anyway) full of eyesex :D
Dear Directing-Person-Whose-Name-I-Didn't-Notice (and can't be bothered to go and look up): I find Hugh Laurie very attractive indeed. This does not mean that I want to see up his nose or be close enough to his face to see the blood vessels on his eyeballs. I normally don't notice the direction until at least the second time I view an episode, so it must be pretty distracting to catch my eye like that. (Thought: Although I have an HD TV I don't have any HD channels yet (because they're not free, lol) - I imagine it would be even more disconcerting on HD.)
The kiss. I think I'd call that the best House kiss so far, by a very long way - it looked as if House really meant to kiss Cuddy (and yes, I know it should because he started it :D ) and now I'm very intrigued to see what happens next.
MESSAGE TO HOUSE WRITERS: If it doesn't happen before that (and I'm thinking it probably wouldn't, since it's Fox), can we PLEASE have a House/Wilson kiss like that in the show finale, at the very end of the series? (Unless House gets nearly killed again and hallucinates it as some sort of useful 'diagnostic' thing *cough* )
I would like to thank the promo monkeys for making it clear that the kiss scene wasn't a dream - the opening shot of Cuddy in the nursery made it look as if the cot (crib) was for a baby elephant, not a baby person, and I wasn't sure whether it was a directing choice or an indication of a dream.
Still on the subject of the promo, it looks as if House/Wilson/Cuddy is now official subtext - I hope it is, and that it's not just the promo monkeys having fun with us. I will also await the first vid of Wilson apparently saying that he has feelings for House... (please! XD)
The baby stuff was fairly predictable. I had only read/seen enough spoilers to know that there was going to be a baby, so was pleasantly surprised that it didn't get killed off, but YAWNY YAWNY YAWN the birth mother wants it back. Why can't Cuddy have a baby to look after, anyway?
OH LOOK, IT'S NEARLY THE SAME EPISODE AS LAST WEEK! SOMETHING HAPPENS, BUT THEN IT DOESN'T. Except this week had less House/Wilson so boo. Although less Thirteen, so I suppose it balances out a bit.
As far as I'm concerned, the episode consisted pretty much of the two scenes with House and Wilson, and the kiss at the end.
I hope next week's episode is less of an effort to watch!