5-15 Unfaithful (also thoughts on the 5-16 promo)

Feb 17, 2009 18:31

I have found the past few episodes rather disappointing, so this week I decided to try a new tactic. Normally I read any spoilers that crop up on my f-list (except for the ones where they tell you exactly what's going to happen in the episide, blow-by-blow) and watch the promos, and then once the episode has aired I don't read my f-list until I've watched it; this time, I caught up with my f-list first. As it happens, the show was much better this week anyway, but I had low expectations so wouldn't have been (quite so) disappointed if it hadn't been.

Before I say anything about the content, I have something to say to the director: Can you not afford one of those rather super cameras (I believe they're called 'steady cams') that eliminate camera-shake when you are filming? I am a person who gets motion sickness while playing video games, and cannot watch Formula One racing since they started putting cameras in the cars, boo - I have even had motion sickness while driving, on more than one occasion. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO JIGGLE THE CAMERA ABOUT WHILE FILMING A SCENE, PARTICULARLY IF YOU ARE DOING A CLOSE-UP. The constant motion started to give me a headache and distracted me from what was happening onscreen (unless that was intentional...) PLEASE DO NOT DO IT AGAIN.

OK, the episode content:

I liked the POTW, although I'm not surprised he lost his faith if he thinks Jesus is that humourless... [Side thought - why does everyone who 'sees' Jesus always seem to see the crucified version? Why does no one ever see Jesus-the-man, or just plain non-crucified Jesus? Ah. Hellooooooo plot-bunny... *rolls eyes*]

I'm still confused, though, about whether he actually was a paedophile, or whether the teenager (whose name has already left my memory, oops) had made it all up.

I really liked all the House-Wilson-Cuddy stuff - it felt much more like their usual way of doing things. It was good to see Wilson being exasperated again XD

Lordy, Wilson's haircut! *fans self*

There's still too much Foreman/Thirteen stuff (the show still feels unbalanced to me), but at least it did make sense this week. I still don't see any 'lover' chemistry between Thirteen and Foreman, but hey ho.

I like Taub and Kutner together - they have some great conversations.

Can I see fluff in House and Wilson's current relationship? It depends on your definition of 'fluff' - if you are using it to mean 'everything in the relationship is perfect and happy and sunshine and rainbows, and possibly also sparkly unicorns', then there is no fluffiness to be seen. However, I have no trouble seeing House and Wilson sitting down together for an evening of movies/food/drinking/whatever at the current stage in their relationship and being perfectly companionable. No, nothing in the episode was 'fluffy', but that doesn't preclude fluffiness in their home lives; nor does any amount of fluffiness preclude blazing rows, any kind of arguing, angry sex, or anything else 'bad'. As I see it, House and Wilson are working their way through the fall-out from "we're not friends any more" and Birthmarks, and they will certainly have ups and downs. I don't see why it has to be one thing or the other; what's wrong with a mixture?

And now, next week's promo (stop reading here if you haven't seen it/aren't going to see it - although there may be spoilers in the comments to this post):

[spoiler space]

OH MY GOD WHAT IS FOREMAN DOING TO HOUSE'S NIPPLES? Is that a standard medical procedure? I know you can pinch an ear, or the web between fingers, and that will stimulate breathing (if the person is in a suitable state to be 'stimulated', and not, say, dead) but the nipples thing is a new one on me. Is that why Foreman said something like "Pity I don't go both ways" in 5-15? Is the show trying to fend off House/Foreman shipper squeeage or something? (And if they are, I hope they realise that they won't succeed :D )

[Edit: yes it is - it's a method of 'noxious stimulation' used on apparently unresponsive patients.]

I confess I'm hugely a little disappointed that it wasn't Wilson tweaking House's nipples, but hey, if we can't have that, Foreman is fine :D

The POTW looks intriguing - I'll be interested to see how that's handled.

It looks as if we're in for a nice lot of House-Wilson-Cuddy again, hooray.

Also, why is House not permananently dead/brain-damaged by now? XD

[a bit more spoiler space :D ]

house thoughts, ramblings

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