I'm a doctor, not a film critic (OK, I'm not a doctor, either. Oh well.)

May 09, 2009 19:01

So, yesterday I went to see the new Star Trek film, and today I went to see it again...

Generally speaking, I loved it. The cast were, without exception, wonderful, and Zachary Quinto as Spock is spookily (Spockily, lol) like the original (and I speak as someone who loved Spock right from the moment I first saw him, which was the first time that Star Trek aired on UK television). It was so good to see Leonard Nimoy being Spock again, and I did like seeing original!Spock and Spock v2.0 together (although I thought that Wasn't Allowed in the Trek universe :/ ) I had been expecting original!Spock to be a blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing, so it was as added bonus to have so much of him. He did appear to be older than Methusaleh, though XD

The film was great fun, and the two hours flew by. I loved all the in-jokes and the end credits were a great nod to the original series.

However, there is a part of me that thinks that making it an alternative reality is CHEATING. Also, the timeline made my head hurt, partly because I was expecting it to be 'put back to normal' by the end of the film, so was a tad confused when it wasn't.

I'd like to know who designed the uniforms for Starfleet Academy - everyone in red who was wearing trousers seemed to have a crotch at mid-thigh level.

I would complain about having Uhura in her underwear, but Kirk was also in his underwear, so hey.

I hope that the make-up for Mrs Orion room-mate-of-Uhura (can't remember her name) was deliberately crappy, because it was.

Why are so many alien ships (in all sci-fi films, not just Star Trek) constructed apparently without any reference to Health and Safety regulations? Nero's ship was very much a case in point - let's have a ridiculously huge space in our ship, and have random platforms jutting out here, there and everywhere, and we'll just have to hope that no one gets labyrinthitis or trips over some piece of decorative frippery and falls off something.

Nice as it was to see Jennifer Morrison, what happened to 'no families on MY starship'? I suppose we'll have to put it down to being an alternative reality, again. Also, is it actually possible to expel a baby from your uterus when you're sitting as upright as she was?

Finally, WHAT was Uhura doing to Spock in the elevator?! (Well, I know what, but WHY?) In the original series, they were certainly very good friends, but it would appear that in this universe they are rather more than that. HMM. Not sure I like it. (I certainly did like the looks between shiny-new!Kirk and Zachary-Spock :D )

Weird thing - I have no problem visualising all of the original crew/actors except for Spock/Nimoy - for some reason, my head 'sees' a sort of composite of young Nimoy and Quinto. Very odd.

I think I might have to go and see it again next week :D

trek musings

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