Firstly, my apologies for the STUPID number of pics in this update. I intended to split it into two, but obviously did not. I blame it on a combination of failing to count how many pics preceded the one I chose for my teaser and general laziness in regards to reorganizing everything.
Last time on the Rigneys, we met our founder Jordan, found a spouse, had some babies. The usual first episode of a legacy fare.
We begin this update with more bebbe makin. Successful, I might add.
Egwene procedes straight to the toilet upon aging up.
While Moiraine takes the road less travelled by and plays with her toys instead.
Moiraine: *nom*
This strange competence that has infested my game continues unabated (for a while anyway, lolspoiler).
Kermes: *beams*
Jordan: *splodes*
It may be time to consider hiring a maid.
YUS! Uncontrollable promotion! :D
Hey Priscilla Scallywag (
sea_serpent). Make sure you come around again when the
girls are older, mkay?
Birthday time came pretty quick. I has not much patience for toddlers even when I
can control them.
Well hello thar pretty girl! I knew you'd grow into those cheeks. :D
She's a much better blend of both parents. Moiraine is basically Kermes with alien eyes and Jordan's chin.
Let's play Guess Which Child Grew Up Badly!! Bet you can't guess!
Moiraine is only happy when she's causing pain. Semirhage might have been a better name for this one. ;)
*snerk* Lil badass got said ass handed to her.
I dunno what happened but Moiraine has certainly mastered the art of the evil leer.
Moiraine: whoa whoa whoa! Violence is only acceptible when initiated by ME.
Babby times. All the same poses were struck.
Including the one that involved there being 2 babbies.
Lan, Kerme's skin, Jordan's eyes, blonde hair.
And promptly ensconced in his crib.
And Gawyn with a genetic fantasy skin (it has markings around his left eye you can't see very well here) Jordan's eyes and red hair...*sound of needle scratching on record* THIS SHIT WAS NOT IN THE SCRIPT!
In all fairness though, I think it was only because both Jordan and Kermes each tried to put a kid in the same crib simultaneously.
At any rate, the situation was quickly rectified by the nanny. (Now THAT'S a phrase the likes of which I never expected to utter.)
I gave the little heathen a makeover more befitting of her temperment. She's not living up to her name very well. Cool serenity, unflappable calm, these are the qualities you to which you should aspire, child.
She did manage to scrounge a few aspiration points from playing catch with dad.
Who'da thunk she'd be a mean sim? :P
Baby birfdays, starting with Lan.
First born syndrome. Yay. At least he has different skin and hair than Moiraine.
Wee Gawyn's turn.
Yup. Clone. The different skins and hairs make them look different enough though. MUST REMEMBER TO RANDOMIZE GENETICS NEXT GEN!
Both boys developed an obsession with this fish tank. I never remember to feed them, but Jordan occassionally restocks it autonomously.
The blight of competence that infected the house seems to have been lifted. >_>
This picture is a study in the different personalities of the two eldest Gen 2 Rigneys. Egwene staying out of trouble and being helpful. Moiraine ruining the furniture and wafting Poorly Adjusted Child on Premises vibes in the general direction of the Social Services office.
Both kids got A+s but it's only the 2nd day of school. There hasn't been time for a general accumulation of bad mood yet.
Gawyn turns out to be the child of Rigney Firsts. He was 1st to hit the floor as an infant, he's now first to learn a toddler skill.
Here's that fish tank obsession I was talking about. They spent quite a while
here watching the fishies and gossiping about their delinquent sister.
Fourth wall: *breaks*
The kids have developed wonky sleep habits. Egwene hops off the bus and goes straight to bed. Moiraine usually takes a little time to up her fun and then goes to bed.
This is the point where I gave in and hired a maid. I feel that 1/3 of the house being under water was sufficient cause, don't you?
Birthday time already. Most of their toddler days were spent waiting for someone to extricate them from their cribs. Kermes was too busy alternately blocking the fridge by stuffing his face and complaining that he was hungry.
He is sooo Kermes. If he has any chance at heir it's because I'd like to keep that skin in the family.
Guh! Soooo cute though.
They're wearing different pants (because I know you were totes wondering). For some reason I felt Lan was going to be the studious one so he got Khakis and a tidy haircut while Gawyn got jeans and a mop on his head.
Moiraine has finally embraced her inner pirate.
Egwene does pretty much all the homework around here because she's the only one who's good moods coincide with Jordan's.
Squeee! Kermes fish face spam!
This was the last time either of the boys came to visit them. The fact that they died of starvation and have yet to be replaced may have something to do with this.
Lan lived up to my expectations and became a little nerdlet. He grew up badly but no tantrums were had because he nearly always gets aspiration points from playing chess and he makes a beeline for the thing any time he's not tending to his needs. I cheated a lil and looked at his skills and he had 9 points before his teen birthday.
Rock Paper Scissors is what keeps this fambly together, I kid you not. Nary a moment goes by that at least 1 pair of them are not doing it.
IF YOU'D GET THE HELL OUT THE WAY FOR 10 SECONDS I'D HAVE JORDAN MAKE YOU SOMETHING TO EAT!!! Go wibble about the state of your aspiration meter or something, geez.
Whoa teen transition caught me by surprise. This is the first time in ages I've not used a birthday cake to age up a kid. I think I used Moiraine's childhood command to make her go to school at some point so I decided to wait for them both to age up at the same time. Also: ohai teen alien eye glitch.
Family. Boo. Negative heir points for rolling the same aspiration as your mother.
And Egwene's transition. She was asleep when Moiraine grew up, so this was the first I knew of it. Romance, hmm. That's worth some heir points. I soooo rarely get romance sims.
And here she is. Definitely interesting, but I can't decide if she's pretty or not.
Ahhh, makeup fixes everything. :D
The many faces of teen Moiraine.
Lan: Will it bother you if I just stand right here?
Egwene: Will it bother you if I gouge your eyes out with the analog sticks on this controller?
Me: How very "little brother" of you, Lan. *approves*
Obligatory photo captioned "Fierce".
One of the girls brought this baboo- errrr boy home from school with her.
He and Kermes got along brilliantly. /sarcasm
These two have devoloped a strange relationship. In the space of a few minutes they went from arguing... noogies... having a good laugh together gossiping about that time Mom peed herself.
Welp at least one want on her panel is achievable.
Here's our little nerdlet in action again. He stayed up alllllll night this time.
Plus 10 heir points for serving food. Hell, plus 10 heir points for not taking after your father and simply preventing anyone at all from getting sustenance while you repeatedly green (lolgreen
TSO anyone?) your own hunger by the merest sliver at a time. *breathes deeply and counts to 10*
That's what you get for staying up past your bed time young man. He hasn't been the same since.
Kermes has been on the brink for a while but Moiraine came home with TERRIBAD GRADES OMG and he must have had a fear of it.
Guess we know where Moiraine got her evil leer from now.
This interaction is considerably funnier when you're not controlling the crazy sim.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Saeleth Abielle (
upendoaushi) walkby! Sadly, nobody was available to greet her. D:
Wooop wooop Professor Von Ball in the haaaaooooouuuseee!!
I'm usually not great at fulfilling my sims wants but I rarely ever see these aspiration distress animations. :D
Joy! The boys both still have their childhood command available so, barring any unforseen disasters, they'll grow up with cakes tomorrow.
Kermes decided if he's going to be a nutter he may as well play the part convincingly.
Can't beat his pirate faces though. :D
Yay birthdays! Just in time, too.
Lan: I wish to someday meet
Deep Blue.
Gawyn: I wish to not grow up into pink pajamas again.
Sup, teen alien eye glitch? Long time no see.
Another fambly sim. I do not approve.
Gawyn got muskles for his birthday.
And rolled pleasure. Gak. Yeah. That'll be gettin' re-rolled at Uni.
I really do love that skin. Gawyn is my first sim to use it.
This is a perfect example of EA fail. He's desperately in need of fun but he can't do his most favoritest thing in the world(chess) because he'd gain skill from it. LEARNING IS NEVER FUN, KIDS! REMEMBER THAT!!
You are all kinds of adorable, aren't you? :D
He found a way to have some fun without learning anything.
Hmmm. Poll: a) do the homework
b) send them all to Uni now
It's gonna be a close race. I can tell.
Me: There's a lesson to be learned here, Kermes. Can you tell me what it is?
Kermes: *mmmphh glurp* When others serve food instead of stuffing their faces, it leaves the fridge free for me to stuff my face?
Me: -_- Not untrue, but not what I was going for.
So. We have four teenagers. I've pretty much decided they're all going to Uni, the only question is when. As I was putting the last couple updates together, I realized I'd really neglected the boys as children sooo...since Jordan is 4 or 5 days from elder so I'm thinking I'll send them either when she ages or when I start getting birthday messages for the girls, whichever comes first. That will give the boys time to develop some personality before they go off to college.
I've also decided I'm going to play Uni non-ISBI. My reasoning is thus: After Uni, one of these sims will be the next torch holder, i.e. be controllable. The other three will find spouses and make me lots of little Rigney cousins, i.e. be controllable. Since they're all going to be controllable anyway, we might as well
do Uni right and, as a happy side effect, replenish some of my sanity before starting the next generation.
This is as far as I've played for now so I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TIME OK?!?!?!