I'm on the waiting list for the Founder Challenge at
legacy_writers but I'm posting now anyway. So there!
Meet Fenchurch Quirk. If you know where her name comes from without Google, you win at Life, the Universe and Everything.
I don't seem to have taken a proper picture of her but I'm sure you've seen her 3240398473047 times by now. Funnily enough, her personality and aspiration are exactly the same as every other incarnation of her that's been knockin' around these parts. She's attracted to strong blonde guys (as long as they're employed) and her lifetime want is to reach the top of the Oceanography career.
And meet the shack! It amuses me to give legacy shacks silly roofs and paint jobs.
And inside...
Oooohhhh rain...
Tell me that's not an adorable face!
This picture has 3 purposes. First, it's cool with the skyscraper in the background. Second was to show we went downtown to do the usual mating schtuff. Third, it reminded me that I didn't install a clean downtown template and so my downtownies are all Maxoid.
Sorry but I didn't scour the interwebs for decent face templates only to marry a Maxis sim in Gen 1. So we went right back home to await the welcome wagon...
...which has now arrived...
....annnnddd is composed solely of women. Excellent. I guess we'll just hang out and greet anyone who walks by.
Front porch clusterfuck... D:
I thought we were gonna have some fisticuffs over the toilet because it never occurred to any of the doorstep orgy participants to GET OFF THE BLOODY PORCH!
Must greet all the sexy mens who pass by. They hate each other as it turns out.
He's not blonde but she's got 2 bolts for him and he's not Maxoid.
I can see where that might be uncomfortable Fenny.
Apparently the NPCs in this hood are all from the same planet as the ones in the Rapidly hood.
I love these new face templates. They're neither grotesquely anime, incomplete, or virtually identical to each other. HUZZAH!!
If I had any kind of patience or attention span I'd make my own.
Gratuitous llama ear protrusion and hand print shot. Oceanography has still not been in the paper as of the end of this episode. Thus we are still a llama. D:
He moved in with like $2008. He's also knowledge/saggitarius and he wants to reach the top of the Dance career. His name is Johnson Das. I went from Dong to Johnson. Seriously Maxis people are going to think I'm doing this deliberately. *shifty eyes*
I love that hair and have been really wanting to use it, but I don't much like the color. But I love the hair. But the color. GAH! I need to find some recolors.
Dear Raonjena: Please to be making some hairs in colors that exist in nature, kthxbai.
She was proposing to Johnson and, I shit you not, the cinematic cut short so she could go puke.
Fenchurch: I can stop puking now? y/y?
Y HELLO THAR MR. HANDSOMELUMBERJACKWITHEYESTHATMATCHMYWALLS. Please to be walking by again when my chilluns are grown.
Apparently dreaming about how hungry you are = learning about cuisine. Whatever. I'll take it.
Who the frig is this you're blowing hearts for?!
Oh. She's not unpretty but her genetics creep me out a little.
You will be joining this legacy cute random guy whose name I don't remember. And you will be keeping that hair.
/end cute random guy spam
Here it comeessssssss!!!
Johnson: Um yes, hello I just gained some culinary enthusiasm if anyone can be bothered to pry their attention away from this ridiculous childbirth nonsense for a moment!
Me: ...
*squeezes eyes shut and clicks*
Will I ever learn? No, I don't think so either.
It's triplets.
Arthur, with a random dark-ish skin and blue eyes.
Random... or Trillian...Johnson's skin and both parents' eyes.
Trillian... or Random...also with Johnson's skin and both parents' eyes.
The nanny actually looks fairly pleasant. We'll see how well (or if) she does her job.
Dear Diary: Yesterday I had 3 babies. I'm beginning to think I should have just gotten a garden gnome.
Or maybe a teddy bear. Teddy bears are nice.
What in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y-fronts do you think you're doing?! (Internet points if you caught the reference)
Johnson: Ya know Fenny, I don't think you've even kissed me since we got married...
Fenchurch: Considering how often I vomited while I was pregnant, you're probably better off.
Me: *heaves a huge sigh of relief at the ensuing non-lullaby-ness*
Curse you ballet barre for being the least expensive body skill item! *shakes fist*
Lawd help me...
Yay for trucker hats and pink jammies! :D
OY! That hair...That'll be Random
Trillian totally got her mom's lips.
And so ends episode 1 of the Quirk Legacy. Yay for another new legacy amirite? -_-