Open letter

Feb 11, 2006 09:36

I've been feeling a little off this week. It's been difficult to say what the problem is but last thursday I had a moment of clarity. I managed to put in words the mess of thoughts and emotions that had been plaguing me all week. Actually, I believe they were there much earlier, just suppressed. I believe it stems from a lack of feedback and ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

epicureanangel February 13 2006, 21:06:22 UTC
Where I work, we're growing so fast that we can't hire enough managers to manage the engineers, so there's a lot of the "if it's broken, go ahead and fix it" mentality.

Perhaps there's a place for you to help the company start formalizing its procedures, or at least start researching who you need to get to help get that done?


dajie February 15 2006, 19:53:22 UTC
That sounds like the way to go... the good thing about not having a roll that is too defined, is that I get to pick what I want to do!


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