Well I'm started on Pip's patch(and mostly done actually.)
I started out by making a rough mold out of an Extra scrap of HIS(High-Impact Styrene) I had laying around. Yes that's clamped to a coat hanger.
Then I cut out the rough. Sanded it down so that it was nice and smooth and a bit rounder. Drilled the holes where the later Eyelets and rivits will go.
covered the front in this awsomly thin fake leather I found.(I matted down the entire front of it with heavy duty welder contact adhesive.)
coated the back withwelder as well and began wrapping the edges.
Finally I added in the eyelets (and just placed the Rivits in the holes since the straps aren't done yet)
This is where I'm at now.(A fea hours later) Padding attatched, and the linkage. I'd say I'm roughly 3/4ths done with the project.
Yes my camera sucks at the moment. That's brown leather-ish with silver rivits and eyelets. Oh... and it can't focus on anything w/in 3 feet I guess.