Title: Home Improvements
Author: dalehead
Characters/Pairing: Orlibean
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is ENTIRELY made up!
Summary: Sean wants to come.
AN: This is for the incomparable
Warning: There is BDSM and strong adult themes below the cut.
"I hate those curtains," Orlando remarked.
There would have been nothing especially outré in this statement and Sean would have at once have engaged in a conversation about curtains were it not for his being filled with Orlando’s not insubstantial cock. True he was not built on the scale of one renowned elder statesman of British theatre but for all that, right now to Sean he was plenty large enough and certainly of no mean girth.
“Nooo…” Sean whined. “Please don’t stop…”
Orlando smiled. It was a smile that was entirely without mirth and Sean would have understood that he was not out of the woods yet, were he able to see it.
“There is more to domination that tying you up and beating the bejayzus out of you,” Orlando knew exactly how to punish his boy. He enjoyed beatings too much for them to be any sort of punishment and a cock ring was no hardship; Sean was used to wearing them during scenes and during sex too. But this time, the boy knew he was expected to not only control himself but have a sensible conversation with his Master too.
“Do …” he tried to keep the pleading tone out of his voice. “Do you want to redecorate the whole room?”
Oh bravo my boy.
“That’s not a bad idea, “Orlando mused. “Maybe get new flooring or better still,” it was amazing how enthusiastic he could sound when he was mid way through reaming his pretty boy’s amazing arse. “I’d like to see the state of the floor boards, maybe we could sand them. It would be much easier for you to lick your come up off wood I think.”
“If I’m ever allowed to come again,” Sean muttered. He didn’t mind being punished, he had asked for it. He’d come without permission and in front of their guests. It was bad form and he knew he’d have to pay penance. But right now he really felt the punishment didn’t fit the crime. He was completely immobile and Orlando was fucking him except he wasn’t he was discussing decorating ideas.
“Yes Master,” it was the best he could do.
“Then we’ll get onto that next week,” Orlando begun to move, tiny flexes of his hips, barely moving at all. “Maybe some new equipment too,” he moved a little more but not too much. “I would love to suspend you…”
“Pleasepleaseplease,” Sean was crying now. “Please forgive me, please Master, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shown you up, please move, please let me come…”
“Well…” Orlando’s voice was tender once more, his smile genuine. He reached round to undo the ring. Sean hadn’t come for two days, now the punishment was over. He moved faster, his hand still holding Sean’s cock but not moving, he could feel it pulsating as he fucked his boy hard and fast.
As they felt their orgasms building they looked over at their guests. The boy kneeling, hands behind his back, the Master staring at them rapt, his big blue eyes dark with lust. Viggo glanced up; he recognised the look in Elijah’s eye and hoped he could put on as good a show as Sean.