Making Two Lovers Happy

Mar 18, 2008 19:49

Title: Making Two Lovers Happy
Author: dalehead
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Orlibean
Summary: Some PWP without pron.
Disclaimer: This is entirely made up by me for you.
Author Notes: Fluffiness is under the cut, this follows The Traffic Warden Always Rings Twice (which you can find here and is for ... You! And sorry for deleting and reposting! I buggered it up *G*


“Can’t you sleep?”

Sean yawned as Orlando stood up so he could sit down.

“Nah…” his beloved replied laconically, sitting in Sean’s lap, snuggling against him. Smiling, Sean held him close.

“I love you, I meant it. Let’s get married.”

“I know you did. But call me old fashioned…”

“You want me to get down on one knee?”

“Nope, I want your cock inside me when you ask,” Orlando could feel Sean hardening. “You’re so easy, you know that right?”

“What?” Sean protested. “What do you expect? You want my cock inside you when I propose to you? You’re off your fucking rocker, lad!”

“Lad?” Orlando grinned.

“You know what I mean, don’t go all Masterful on me when…” he was cut off as Orlando captured his mouth in a long kiss. No one kissed him, had kissed him, would ever kiss him like this. Orlando’s tongue moved so confidently around his mouth, almost as if it belonged to him, which of course it did. God, he loved Orlando so much. He shivered.

“What’s up, baby?” Orlando sensed rather than felt the atmosphere change.

“Goose walked over my grave,” Sean tried to smile.


Ye gods, annihilate but space and time,
And make two lovers happy

“I’ve done this three times already. Supposing it doesn’t … suppose.”

Orlando cut him off. “That was different. This time you will be marrying me and we both know, you’re mine already. You won’t get a chance to go off the rails because I will bind you to me…” he smiled and kissed Sean again.

This time the geese stayed put and Sean melted into the kiss. The proposal would take some thinking about. He needed props, he needed a plan. But it could wait. Right now he was too busy having his soul sucked out of him by his beautiful and very talented Orlando.
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