Austria v Croatia

Jun 08, 2008 19:15

Author: dalehead
Pairing : Orlibean
Rating : NC-13
Summary : It’s all about the football
Disclaimer: This is entirely made up.
Author’s Note : For vienna80er because she is nearer than possibly she wants to be *g*

“Sean fuck off, I mean it, fuck right out of here and go to the pub…”

Orlando was raging.

“You always do this Sean, now …” why did he always allow his dearly beloved to wind him up like this. “Let me watch the fucking tennis…”

“But you know who’s gonna win, ‘Lan, it’s gonna be Rafael Thingy and it’s so dull, it’s not a real sport...”

Sean loved winding Orlando back, he always rose so beautifully.

And this time was no exception.

It was the final of the French Open and while Orlando wasn’t a serious tennisphile, he enjoyed the big tournaments and like many people he thought Rafael Nadal was seriously pretty.

“Your football is starting very shortly … “ he said threateningly and for once Sean backed off, only because on the occasion of the last Wimbledon Final, he had pushed his lover so far, that his Master had refused to touch him, let him sleep in their bed or do anything without permission for 24 hours. He had made Sean watch Pricilla Queen of the Desert on a loop. It had been a salutary lesson.

“Okay, okay … I’m out of here, I’ll be back at five, kay?” Sean leant in for a quick kiss and made his excuses.

It was the last Orlando saw him for some hours…

L O. M at pub.

“Have a good evening, baby,” Orlando grinned to himself. He decided to order himself some Chinese, ribs maybe and some fried rice, he was in charge of the remote - what a novelty.

Croatia 1-0 Aus. Modric. Penalty. Fuck!

Sighing, Orlando sprawled on the sofa, a big mug of tea by his side and settled down to watch The Apprentice, which he’d Sky plus-ed. Obviously Sean hated Sir Alan Sugar, on account of the entrepreneur extraordinaire being a Spurs man.

Half time. I love you. Shall I come home?

Hastily Orlando texted back that if Sean was happy in the pub, he should stay there. He held his breath.

Kay, but u r gonna fukme l8er. Sxx

Even drunk, Sean was horny. Actually was there ever a time Sean wasn’t horny?

Settling down, Orlando was enjoying the peace and quiet. Then his phone pinged.

Aus not trying Lan.

Was q boring.

Germany v Poland next

Love you Lan, phone going flat

Thank goodness for that. Orlando had a feeling his peaceful Sunday was coming to an end. Still, there was always Wimbledon to look forward to.

Austria 0-Croatia 1

Rafael Nadal won the French Open against Roger Federer, 6-1 6-3 6-0. The game took one hour 48 minutes.

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